Saturday, September 17, 2022

Team Picture Day (The Backlog!)

We had to show up early this Saturday. It was picture day!

I have no intention of buying photos, but if it helps the league we're happy to particpate.

Shane poses even when no one's watching....though, I guess I was since I got this picture!

I took a few of my own photos after the photographer got him situated. If I was board and had Photoshop, I probably could've edited the background to be something cooler just like the pros!

It's all part of the experience.

We had some time to kill before game time, so we wandered down to the Farmer's Market to look around and buy a snack or two. I told Shane "No," when he wanted me to buy him some more plants/cacti.

The playground was on the way back. It's always hopping on game day as all the player's siblings keep themselves busy. It's a fun place to be for an extrovert!

Shane would've stayed longer if it wasn't game time.

This week we played against the Yellow team. They have a name, but I don't know it.

Have I mentioned our team name yet? We are the "Yes Sir's!" Coach suggested it after all the players kept saying it at practice (Aren't we the well-mannered sort?). It was a funny catchphrase to yell after someone scored!

I didn't take a lot of pictures this time. I did get one of everyone lining up for a free kick. The only player facing the camera is Ella. She's the coach's daughter and the second best ball handler on the team. She's our #2 scorer behind Gabe. She might be top 5 in the local league (or very close to it if not!).

Shane blocked the direct kick! Everyone paused at first like they thought the play was over save for Yellow 2. Shane managed to clear the ball when he realized what was going on.

The "Yes Sir's!" easily won. Coach had them practicing passing and skills to prevent running up the score at the end.

Shane seems to feel right at home with anyone in the league. He was happily chatting up Yellow #2 on their way off the field!

We're definitely going to sign up for local soccer again next year. It's a great town experience!

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