Monday, November 4, 2013

Backlog Post 1: Challenge Mode!

A couple of weeks ago, Shane went to Indy-PopPop-Nana-Jama's house to spend the night. 

I trust them implicitly with my son, but I decided to see how good they really were!

I dressed Shane in white-shirt, sweat pants, and 'matching socks' and dubbed it "Challenge Mode."  

How clean would Shane be tomorrow?

White shirts show every little bit of food, play-dough or dirt they come in contact with; Long-sleeves add more white to mar and cover the crucial elbow zones.

Sweat pants seem simple enough, but static cling causes them to pick up every bit of leaf they come in contact with. Nana and Pop have lots of trees, it's fall, and Shane lives to be outdoors. The pants stood a good chance of collecting dirt and mud, as well.

The socks? They were they only pair of socks that were clean. Go figure that they were A) matching and B) clearly demarcated as matching. Nana and Pop were sure to pick up on them and know something was afoot. I couldn't have planned it any better. It's just more proof (to me) that God has a sense of humor.

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