Saturday, November 9, 2013

Backlogged Part 8: Down with Daylight Savings!

I don't know who said it, but they nailed it.

"Daylight savings is cruel and unusual punishment for people with pets or small children."

Shane has been rousing around 5:30 AM each day and making his wakefulness known.

We were able to transition his nap and bed time without much trouble, but he's decided to sleep for an hour less each night to make things difficult.

The last time I was fond of daylight savings time I was probably in college and glad for one extra hour of sleep. I've always complained about giving the hour back, so mentally it averaged out for me in the days of yore.

Now, I don't see the point. I'd probably vote for anyone who said they were planning on abolishing it.

Waking up in the dark to go to work seems natural to me. Driving to work staring into the sun the whole way does not. I'd prefer to drive home from work with the understanding there's some daylight left rather than night beginning at 5 PM, as well.

I'm sure it made sense at one time and probably makes sense somewhere, but I'd just as soon lay it to rest where I reside.


  1. lol, that is funny. I guess he's a morning person if he wakes up singing.

    1. Yeah, that's an upside! It must be a recessive trait from somewhere, because it's not typical for Carrie or me!

      By the way, the pictures of that fort you were at were incredible. Your pictures and stories make you a walking and talking advertisement for the state department.
