Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dog Update

Carrie loved the dog.

She and Shane went to visit Roxy today.

Shane told me "I want to see my puppy again," over the phone when I called.

How could I say no to that?

Carrie told me it was adorable to watch Shane and Roxy play. She talked to the trainer/foster and we will be picking Roxy up not this Sunday, but next. This will save us over a $100, because if the adoption agency forced us to do pick-up on Sunday we were going to have trouble finding "doggy coverage" while Carrie is out of town for training next week.

It's exciting.

I still haven't seen the dog, so I can't say I'm 100% excited and unconcerned. There's still plenty to be concerned about, but I do want to grow my family. Carrie's more than on-board and I think we've all got realistic expectations and an understanding of what needs to be done. Not much more you can ask for.

My family is scheduled to grow by one in less than two weeks. God's will be done.

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