Thursday, November 7, 2013

Backlogged Part 6: Cox Farms

Monday was a teacher workday for me. After I was done, Carrie and I scrambled to take Shane to Cox Farms. It's a farm/farmer's market turned lower-tech, mini-amusement park for kids.

Or at least I think it is. I misread the website.

I thought it said "late admission at four" and was expecting a deal. 

It really said "LAST admission at four."

It's okay, but it was free to visit the market and run around the parking lot. Shane had a ball and never realized he was missing out on anything.  I could see some attractions over a hay bale wall that looked great for 10 and unders, but Shane was mesmerized with rolling pumpkins and pushing wheelbarrows.

I have proof.

We spent and hour running around for free. I even bumped into some of my students! Their family came walking out and I shouted "Well, you all look familiar!" 

They ran over to see Shane and my wife. I introduced them, and one of the girls (bless her soul!) looked at Carrie and blurted out, "Do you know him?" She winced immediately afterwards as she realized what she said probably wasn't what she meant to say.

Carrie was a good sport. "I should hope so!" She smiled.

Shane ran off at that point and the kids barraged my wife with questions while I chased after him.

As they were leaving, the girl who blurted out earlier ran over to us and gave Shane a baby pumpkin. It was sweet gesture (I'll have to go easy on her next test). 

It was a fun mini-trip. We're definitely going to have to visit next year when the farm reopens! 

Right, Farmer Carrie?

Farmer Shane and Lackey  both agree!

And even if we don't go inside, there's always the parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this blog, the video and cool pictures! You and Carrie were so smart to find a way to have fun there without paying an over-priced admission fee. You must have felt so proud to show off your son and beautiful wife. Thanks for all the posts. It's keeping us entertained at the hospital today. Jama really likes the care she is getting here. She is so blessed to have a private room. Love you!
