Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pop Post

Pop sent this email the other night. It had a couple of Shane stories I thought I'd share...

Take it away, Pop!

Nana, Jama, Shane and Pop went to Walmart and then Cafe Rio to eat. While waiting on the food, Shane and Pop went outside and ran from one end of the strip mall to the other. At the far end is a Sweet Frog frozen yogurt place. Shane said he wanted ice cream so I told him we could come back after we ate our food at Cafe Rio. We proceeded to run back the length of the mall to the Cafe Rio place. In the middle of the run is a Giant grocery store and there was a Salvation Army bell ringer there watching us run back and forth.
After eating dinner, Shane and I made the same run all the way down to the yogurt place. Nana went to the grocery store and Jama waited in the car. When we went into the store, Shane immediately picked chocolate yogurt and I got him a little bit. We sat down for a few minutes while he ate it. Then we ran back past the Giant (the fourth time we went by the Salvation Army guy), Shane stopped and said hi. The guy let Shane ring the bell for a bit. Then Shane took off running with the bell in his hand and headed for the Cafe Rio restaurant. I think he wanted to show Nana the bell. I had to catch him and bring him back to give the Salvation Army guy his bell back. The guy was pretty tickled by it.
Shane has typically refused to poop in the potty at Nana's house. Yesterday, he managed to push out one nugget and Nana gave him a helicopter toy. He was really pleased and he took the toy home last night and then brought it back today. He was in the door just a few minutes this morning before he wanted to poop again to get another toy. He got another nugget out and got another helicopter. A few hours later, he pooped another nugget out and got a little garbage truck. A few hours later he pooped out a real big log and was very excited because he figured, if you get a helicopter for a nugget, he couldn't wait to see what he would get for a great big log. Debbie is running out of toys in the toy closet so we gave him garbage truck video time on you tube. Debbie keeps things she buys at garage sales or thrift stores in her closet for all types of occasions including pooping. All told, he has pooped 6 times today. He tried again right before his bath at bedtime but could only get a fart out. So he said he needed more food. But alas, it was bed time and he will just have to reload tomorrow.

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