Monday, November 18, 2013

Plot Lines

The real world is one convoluted mess of plots.

Whenever Carrie and I watch our nightly episode or I read a book I'm reminded: fiction stories are clean. There are normally a few plots intertwined, but resolution usually comes in a timely manner. Some threads may be left open for the future (cliffhangers and sequels!), but the number of threads is kept low enough that people can follow along.

Neat and tidy.

I'm probably pretty annoying to watch TV and movies with, because I like to try and predict what's going to happen. I'm also pretty good at it (which would make me more annoying!).

Real life follows no such guidelines.

Perhaps that's why so many people seem lost in it. It's big, it's huge, it doesn't have to make sense, usually doesn't, and sometimes does at the most seemingly random times.

Everyone is the main character in their own story, supporting characters (of varying depth) in the stories of everyone they know, and extras in the background of anyone the meet or have any sort of influence on.

Every time you've ever grabbed the last of something off a store shelf you've created a conflict in someone else's story. It could be the worn-out retail worker doing inventory, the stressed mother looking for Teddy Grahams, or some kid who wanted a snack.

Of course, the most important story to anyone is the one they're currently in.

Hopefully, it's the one they're living.

In my own life, I have dog-to-be, a growing boy, a happy marriage, my wife's job switch, plumbing problems, chores, work (and all the thousands of little stories that makes), friend stories, family stories, and things I want to do (like post my thoughts on a blog....).

I've never really stopped thinking "I'll write again one day," so I still think about this stuff from time to time.

I like to think.

You're only bored if you're not trying.

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