Sunday, November 17, 2013


Carrie visited Roxy today.

She went through the last hoops in the adoption process and got to take her for a walk in a nearby park. I got to meet up and meet Roxy for the first time. Carrie and I have a long history of saying "I trust you." I agreed to buy this house and adopt Roxy sight unseen. Carrie's told me "I trust your judgement" on multiple occasions, too.

It was nice to see Roxy lived up to the hype.

She had a sweet, puppy-like demeanor. She was easily distracted and wanted to smell everything. That's pretty normal for a dog much less a puppy. Roxy had a friendly and calm manner. It was apparent when a bunch of little kids knocked a soccer ball right in front of her. She didn't shy away or move sharply. She thrust her nose out for a sniff, but didn't fight the leash.

And to think she was almost deemed un-adoptable.

Roxy started life in West Virginia. She was part of a litter all named after characters from The Waterboy. She was rescued/adopted by a family that renamed her and then didn't do any sort of basic obedience with her. They ended up sticking her in an outdoor kennel and left to waste away.

The rescue agency we used found an ad for her on craigslist and picked her up. They estimated she'd been left outside and alone for two months (age 6 months to 8 months). Roxy was extremely thin and her growth was stunted. I don't think she weighed more than 50 lbs when I met her.

The fear was Roxy missed out on a lot of important socialization and training time. Her foster mom was told "See what you can do, or we'll have to put her down." Thankfully, said foster mom was a professional dog trainer. She also runs a home school for some twenty odd kids, so Roxy has been super-socialized.

Roxy spent two months at her foster home before Carrie fell in love with her. Shane's sold as well.

She'll be coming home permanently with us next Sunday.

Originally it was supposed to be today; the rescue agency said so! We worked it out with Roxy's foster mom. She said she did not mind working with Roxy for another week (extra training!). Carrie's going to be out of town for training next week, so it would've cost us to drop Roxy off at PetSmart whenever I went to work.

I'm glad we worked all this out before our basement flooded. Life happens fast and it's rarely simple.

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