Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Braces, Wrestling, Oh my! (Q4!)

The day after Shane got his braces a bracket popped off. Go figure. Carrie set up an appointment for Wednesday. It was the same day as a wrestling home event, and, wouldn't you know it, Coach Williams was suffering from bad concussion symptoms and wasn't going to be there! I have 4th block planning Wednesdays, so I tried to do everything.

I started by unlocking the wrestling room and putting wrestlers to work moving mats. 

Once they had jobs to do and made progress, I left to pick up Shane.

We made it to the orthodontist on time.

It took all of 5 minutes for them to fix the bracket.

Shane spent longer playing video games in the waiting room than they spent working.

I swung by Wegmans with him to grab dinner on the way back to the school.

Normally, I'd want Shane to go to Youth Group on a Wednesday night, but Wrestling claimed most of the Wednesdays in January. 

Shane was happy to latch on to the legs of people he didn't know and make lots of weird noises instead.

Brian and DaVell arrived while I was handling Shane, so the team was ready to go by the time I arrived. 

Shane wanted to run around and warm up with the team. 

I don't remember which teams we were wrestling off the top of my head. I do know we lost. That's been a recurring theme this year!

The kids all enjoy being part of the team and have improved dramatically, so it's not a wash. Wrestling's a sport, but I think it's best value is it's ability to teach perseverance and build character. You take the little and the moral victories before you can earn the big W with a hand upraised. If we keep gaining year on year, we'll see more wins in the future.

We didn't stay for all the clean up, but it was a late night. I was tired, but a happy tired. I did work, helped the team, handled Shane's braces, and got him out of the house, huzzah!

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