Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Month in Review: January 2023 (Q4!)

Some highlights:

The new year started off strong: With the Pink Panther remake and a new car!

January is the last month before the post-season for wrestling. There have been meets most Wednesdays and a tournament one Saturday.

Shane's missed a lot of Youth Group, but going to an arcade was fun and new.

Shane got braces.

Shane's not been involved in any team sports, but he's been taking riding lessons

Carrie's used the new car a lot and even started a part time job at Dover Saddlery.

Between work, wrestling, and the barn it's been busy!

The baby horses are doing well. They even got to wear their blankets for the first time.

Loki's acting interested in Kila again. Not that anything is happening with it.

Nana said she loves whatever I write, but then objected to me saying she used to send me to school sick. Megan said she remembers things closer to how I do than Nana. :)


January's normally a very busy month. I come out of Winter Break with energy to run. School is busy, because the semester ends mid-month. That means kids do the last minute hustle, grades are do, and there's usually a midterm. Wrestling ramps up into the post season. It's cold outside which means there's more work at the barn and it's less pleasant to do it. It's nice when there are snow day breaks, but we haven't had any this year. 

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