Monday, January 23, 2023

Sick Day (Q4!)

Monday was a teacher workday (Thank God!). Which paired up well with a doctor's appointment for Shane. He gets headaches at least a couple of times a month. We decided to be proactive rather than reactive and talk to someone.

Max is on the list for a check-up, as well. She's not been doing the best. She's been very clingy and was all over me. Ironically, I wasn't feeling well myself, so maybe she wanted likeminded company. 

I made sure to put the AC on and drop my windows when Shane and I got near the doctor's. I didn't think I was sick, but I didn't want a hot car to increase my forehead temperature and prohibit me from entering with Shane.

Shane is very good at describing symptoms and talking medical. Too good. 

Some headaches are normal at Shane's age. He does occasionally forget to drink water, get sucked into too much screen time, and stress over things. The doctor thought Shane might occasionally get more of a migraine style headache, though. He recommended immediately talking medicine if Shane ever felt that style of headache starting. 

I wondered if Shane would use his new headache descriptive vocabulary more post-visit, but he has not. If anything, I feel like he's had less headaches after we had him talk to someone!

We went out for gas and errands afterward. I was running on fumes and needed to fill up!

I don't recall if I took this picture of my temperature before or after Shane's appointment. Typically, pictures are pasted in chronological order, so it was probably after we got home. 99.5 F is high for me. 

My guess is it was exhaustion related. Nana would have still sent my butt to school. Nevermind that I run low naturally. It was "Show me 100+, puke, or blood. Otherwise, get to school!"

Which, as heartless as that was, did help me not to be a wimp. I want to walk the line with Shane where he gets some sympathy but prevent him from wussing out! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey now, that's a little unfair. I don't think you typically ran a low temperature as a kid. Lots of adults run low temperature, so 99.5 is high for an adult. But all of you kids would have loved to have tricked me into letting you stay home sick, when you were really just faking it because you hadn't done your homework or project that was due or studied for a test that day. And your school days were my "time off" from child care. It's not like you 5 kids plus all you neighborhood friends weren't home for the entire summers. So of course, I treasured the beloved school days. I wasn't heartless though.
