Friday, January 27, 2023

Trashy Bag (Q4!)

 For some reason, Shane has been bringing his trash home from school.

"Why don't you throw away your trash AT school?"

"I dunno." Shrug.

And on a related note, Shane complains sometimes that his backpack is heavy. The trash doesn't way much, but the stash of library books do.

They're probably half Dogman books. Shane's already read them, but sees no reason to trim down the collection when he can complain about how heavy his backpack is instead.

Which is technically exercise, so I don't pull them out. Let him struggle and burn an extra calorie or two if he doesn't want to use his brain on the matter! He can build back muscles or brain neurons to build character. Learning how to analyze and make those decisions (or paying the penalty for failing to do so) is an important part of the teenage years in my mind.

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