Friday, January 6, 2023

Riding (Q4!)

Shane missed his riding lessons a couple weeks in a row due to rain, cold, and holidays. We were back at it this weekend. He likes to visit all the local animals.

PG and Phoenix were waiting for him in the barn.

Side note: The horses had a d20 to play with.

I'm not a great judge of Shane's riding progress, because I don't ride.

He does enjoy talking to PG (the whole time!). Carrie's goal is Shane will have a good seat for trotting. My goal is to get him out of the house and away from electronics, so everyone's happy.

Carrie's been riding a lot this season herself. She called on the way home from a ride and asked me to quickly get a stall ready for Lilly.

Carrie's been going through whipper-in training. I'm far enough behind on the blog I don't know if I mentioned that or not already.

She handed me  Lilly's lead rope while she ran off to take care of something. I don't remember what it was, but I do remember making a post for yesterday about how I'm the enlisted guy when it comes to barn work...

I don't mind, though. Being a good leader, means knowing when to step back. I tried to get some officer-level-thinking artistic shots of Lilly ravenously attacking the grass. I ended up with a nose and some grass instead.

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