Tuesday, January 17, 2023

When It's Rough (Q4)

Sometimes it's about the slog.

No job is always fun. 

Today is one of those days. 

We ate out as a family for lunch yesterday. Then I went out with Mark and Scott for trivia and ate out some more. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating with an upset stomach. 

Eventually, I got back to sleep without puking, but it was a near thing. 

While I don't have Crohn's, Celiac, or a worse condition, my digestive track has opinions. 

Strong ones. 

I knew Carrie was a keeper when on an early date some IHOP scrambled eggs sent me scrambling to the can. She left the table to check on me when I didn't come back. I'm amazed I didn't get dumped while taking that dump!

This morning, the pain moved lower. My intestines felt like they'd been tied in a knot. I pooped at home and at school.

It made for a more challenging day.

It's the time of year for a slog. Snow days can provide a break, but we haven't had any other than a delay so far.

Today the slog was due to something physical, but it doesn't have to be. It could be a lack of motivation, fatigue, a distraction, a stressor, or any fun combination of the like.

Bottom line: It happens. 

Anyone can do their best in ideal conditions. It's doing your best with what you have in the conditions you find yourself in day after day that define your character. Pray. Do what you can. Move on, and it will pass.

Wrestling and school are a bit of slog for me at the moment. I'm feeling my motivation burn out, but the end isn't too far away. This school year has been way better than last year. That's allowed me to pour more energy into school and wrestling, so I'm just as tired! Which, as I've said before, is a good thing. I'm answering my call and earning my pay. Summer will come. 

It's not all that far off as I finish this draft, either. I wrote most of this post months ago. I'm in a different place as I finish it, but I recognize where it came from. It passed. Two weeks until summer. Hallelujah!

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