Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Accident Prone

I left the house to help with canning again. It's the only time I've left the house on my own since driving to pick up Shane at the ER.

On the way home, there was an accident. A few cars bailed and I pulled up far enough to see it was recent....and from the looks of people running back and forth across the road it was bad.

A lone officer showed up first. Then the area was swarming with activity. I waited for over 20 minutes before turning around. 

Which turned out to be the right call. The road was closed for hours. There was an entrapment. 

Sadly, there have been a spate of accidents on 20. At least 5 in a week. It's the main vein that goes into Scottsville and further south. It's a fast road, but it's only 2 lanes, curvy, with no shoulder, right next to nature (that sometimes jumps onto it), littered with driveways people have to stop and turn into, and some people drive crazy (passing multiple cars around bends over a double yellow). In the wrecks, a student at my high school died and another recent graduate that I know was ejected from the car and is in the hospital. It's sad.

And there's not an easy alternative. 20 is the best, paved option. 

After I turned around and backtracked to avoid the wreck in front of me, I came across a police truck redirecting traffic off the road. I knew where the wreck was and knew a road that met up just past it, so I attempted my own detour down Secretary's Sand Road.

It wasn't a road. It was a trail.

It was gravel, bumpy, and less than two lanes. It felt like the designers figure, "What are the odds there will ever be two cars on this road at the same time? None! And even then it's 50/50 they'll be going the same way!"

It was a good example of how Scottsville doesn't always seem rural, but a few turns can take you to where few tread and there's no cell service.

It was a long, slow, and bump ride, but I did stop to take a picture of a cool one-lane bridge. 

 It took me well over an hour to get home when it was all said and done.

Shane's going to have to learn how to drive on these roads when he's old enough. Thankfully, I won't have to think about that for a while. Instead, my prayers are that the accidents will end and that those affected will heal. Thank God, for all the rescue workers. I saw them arriving from the north and the south this time.

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