Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Carrie's New Side Thing

Carrie got inspired after she made me "a tavern bread" for her D&D dinner. She liked to bake beer bread. I had access to beer.

So why not sell beer bread? And donate a chunk of it as charity to her friend's rescue barn?

The name is based off a song, "Beer for My Horses." I'd never heard of it. I listened it to it while writing this out of curiosity.

If you're a frequent reader, you may remember I brought home a whole bunch of beer a few weeks ago. Carrie had asked for beer and I asked myself, "How much would it take to make jaw drop?"

Carrie had the initial idea back in late April, but I wasn't sure if it was going to take root or fade. 

It looks to have roots. Carrie made a Facebook business page and everything.

So far, business has been slow. Carrie sold a root beer bread to one family and a trifecta of her breads to another.

Still, the fact that she started a business and sold anything is neat. Will she keep it up? Will she come up with advertising schemes? Or will she donate bread to different causes/places to get the word out? 

I don't know. If you're curious, too, we'll just have to wait and see.

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