Friday, July 30, 2021

Vacation Bible School

VBS at First Baptist was this week. This year's theme was archeology and title "Destination Dig."

Shane and I showed up at 8 AM Monday morning. It started at 9 AM.

We had to arrive early since I was teaching. I've worked with the youth in the past, but their event was held the week before. I ended up with Logan and Laurie teaching 5th grade.

It went well! Shane started off the week complaining ("Why do I have to go?") and ended the week wishing it was longer. My class went smoothly, too. First Baptist has a ton of experience with kids and it shows. There were over 50 youth helpers. I've thought about bringing Shane to their youth program when he's old enough, because it's so strong.

I don't have a lot of pictures from the week, because we weren't supposed to take any. I only have two where I feel like Shane is the only kid recognizable. Both pics were at 'off' times. 

The first example is from Missions and Snack. Shane has a hard time sitting down. Frequently, he was the only kid laying or rolling around.

Shane made small noises, but never got in trouble for it. There was one boy who kept calling out and was asked to quiet down.

The second example is Shane sat out in Recreation one day. I'd seen someone talk to him about climbing and hiding behind some equipment, but they normally didn't make kids sit out. I waited 10 minutes before I went over to check in.

Shane said he chose to sit out, because he "hates relay races." The kids were in lines to pass balloons. Later, they carried a bean bag back and forth across the gym (Once balanced on their heads!). Everyone was laughing and cheering and it seemed to be the sort of thing Shane would love. The kids were all terrific and positive from what I saw. There were no insults or blaming. I guess Shane's had a bad experience in the past (and he can be offput by direct competition). I thought it should've been something he excelled at, so I encouraged him to get out there. I didn't press or force the issue when he didn't want to (but I definitely thought about it strongly!).

There were far more good times than bad. I just don't have those pictures, because Shane was jumping and smiling with a bunch of other kids I wasn't supposed to photograph. There was the time Shane was dancing and excited after he volunteered for a quiz show and got the last answer right for his team. Then there was the time he was the most animated shark during sharks and minnows any of the teachers had ever seen! He ran up and hugged me in the halls when our classes crossed paths or I picked him up. 

Shane's going again next year, for sure!

In the past, we've normally not attended family night. We went this year. Shane laughed as they threw a giant beachball at Treasure Hunter Dave to represent all the money colllected for sending Bibles to Georgia in Georgian.

He saved his energy during the songs until it was time for all the kids to go up on stage. Naturally, I encouraged him to go. Unlike a young me, it didn't take much. He was happy to run up with everyone!

I videotaped both songs they performed.

Shane could see me taping, but I don't think he needed any extra energy.

Masks were optional for VBS and most kids went without. There were definitely masks around, but none of the kids commented on them that I heard. I've worked with the youth in the past, so I don't know if the emphasis on dance moves over singing is par for the course or pandemic new (I suspect the former). Overall things felt somewhat returned to normal....though, I'll feel best about it after a week goes by and I don't hear about any outbreaks!

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