Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Backlog Update: Slimmer Pickings! (The Backlog!)

I zoned out the beginning of Winter Break. I needed the time to be braindead.

Thursday, I started to work on the blog. I was ~19 weeks behind. I've never been that behind before and I admit it was daunting.

But it broke the dry spell. 

I stayed up late and got several posts done. I decided to work on the past first, because if I started current day and worked backwards it would take a lot of scrolling down for people to read (mainly Nana and Pop!).

I've worked some of the blog each day since. Christmas Day I spent uploading pictures and setting up drafts for posts to have some sort of roadmap going forward.

Today is Monday, Dec 26th. I have backfilled all of August and September. That's 6 weeks and some change! Anything posted in this time period says "(The Backlog!)" in the title.  I took lots of pictures over the time frame which made it easier for me to remember what was going on. 

October, however, has more dry patches. I stopped thinking about the blog as much, so I wasn't taking pictures and categorizing things as much in my head. I'm going to have to do some filler type posts like this one to fill in some of the holes. 

I'm not sure I'll be able to catch all the way up by the time break ends. This week, I have some road trips to visit people planned and Shane's begged to stay up for New Year's Eve (and I might let him).

But I hope to get at least through November before I go back to school. That's roughly 9 weeks of posts.

No better time than the present to get started on it.

1 comment:

  1. Pop and I used to trick you and your siblings into thinking that you were staying up super late on New Years Eve, but really we moved the clocks ahead. It was very funny. Nowadays parents can't get away with that, because there are computers, tablets and cellphones that show the correct time and maybe even your smart TV. I used to go to bed, but Pop would let you kids have a sleepover with him all in one room with a VCR tape funny movie and special drinks and special snacks/cookies. I always went upstairs to go to bed, because I needed more rest than Pop and you kids. One year the movie we rented was Uncle Buck. Another year it was Adventures in Babysitting. Those are some of the memories that we treasure. I still won't let Pop keep me up after 10:30 and I try to go to bed at 10:00. We always go to bed at the same time now and enjoy saying our bedtime prayers aloud together as we kneel at the foot of the bed. Your dad is the most amazingly wonderful husband on the planet! When I want him to quit talking at night as I'm trying to go to sleep, all I have to do is flip on my right side and say "Good ear down!". It pays to have hearing loss in only one ear.
