Monday, October 3, 2022

Shane's Act of Service (The Backlog!)

I got a nice email from one of the Middle School Boys Youth Group Leaders (MSBYGL for short?).

Hi Mike,

I wanted to share a great act of service your son, Shane, did today.

This morning, I walked with him to get some water from the fountain in the KidsPoint hallway. On our way back to StudentLife, we encountered a young child who was struggling with putting on their ear protection earmuffs. Shane politely offered to help. He calmly untangled the earmuffs and gave them back to the child. Unfortunately, they got tangled again. Shane offered to help untangle them and put them on the child's head. He successfully and gently put them on. Kayla (KidsPoint Director) and I praised him for his kind and loving act of service. He told me he has some younger cousins who wear those too, so he likes offering to help them out.

It was so powerful to see the Holy Spirit working in his heart like that. He has told us so many times about how you read through the Bible together. Most recently the book of Ruth. I can clearly see the fruits of your efforts to plant seeds for his faith and commitment to Christ.

Thank you for allowing us to minister to your son.

Andrew H

I'm both proud to share and it makes an easy post! That's a twofer. Way to go Shane!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you, Mike! It's important for the man to be the spiritual leader in the family. Sadly, most families do not have that.
