Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 2022 (The Backlog!)

"It's going to be nasty," Carrie said. "No one will be out." 

Incorrect! Shane and I would be! The boy and I hit the streets of Scottsville for Halloween 2022.

We weren't the only ones, either!

The cold, wet conditions chased off many, but there were enough trick or treating was clearly not cancelled. Halloween only comes once year!

Only Shane dressed up this year. It was low effort. He has his Deku gear on underneath his coat, but we didn't die his hair or put on all the accoutrements.

This was the kind of year I aim to A) establish a can-do mindset when conditions aren't great, B) still have fun, and C) set expectation a little lower so that next year is fantastic!

I especially didn't want to miss Trick or Treating this year, because Shane is close to aging out. A lot of teenagers shift towards Halloween parties unless they have younger siblings to shepherd.

Shane has no younger siblings, so that won't apply to him. Theoretically, Shane could help shepherd Landie, or Lilly and Wyatt in the future. Maybe Shane could trick or treat with younger cousins, but that would require Halloween to be close enough to the teacher workdays I could drive him to SC. Halloween 2023 looks to be on a Tuesday (unlikely!), but Halloween 2024 is on a Thursday that might line up with teacher workdays.

I'll be sad when Shane does decide he's too old to trick or treat. I like wandering around and people watching for Halloween! His enthusiasm makes it all the more enjoyable.

My favorite trick-or-treat stop this year was Baine's. They gave adults a coupon for a free drink!

We stopped inside for Shane to play with his goodies before heading home.

I offered to drive Shane into town, but he felt satiated from the stroll around town. It wasn't the biggest haul, but we had enough candy to treat ourselves to teeth rotting goodness for a week, at least!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty funny! I'm so glad you took him trick or treating. Not a fan of the pink loot bag though, but maybe that's just my generation showing (pink is for girls). I would love it if you and Shane did come here for trick or treating in 2024. He's going to be tall so it won't be as easy if he's 6 ft tall then. Your sisters got away with trick or treating well in to highschool because they were so petite.
