Saturday, October 29, 2022

Final Normal Game Weekend (The Backlog!)

This weekend is the last normal game for Fall Soccer. 

We played Yellow. Shane was chatting it up across the field! The local league has been good for him. 

We went to the playground afterward.

Shane became a zombie, I think.

For someone who talks about how much he hates movies/books/games with zombies, he ends up being one an awful lot.

There was some sort of rule in the game where Shane would drag kids back to a tunnel.

I had my reservations about him dragging kids off, but he said he "asked permission" whatever that means! Anyone who got dragged in had to join his team to help capture more kids.

I spent a chunk of the time on the phone, so it's not like I was listening in to learn all the rules!

We didn't have much else going on for the day, so I wasn't in a hurry to get home. The combines were rolling around when we did arrive. 

Sunday was youth service day at church. Shane was a greeter. A row of kids stood out front clapping and cheering as people walked in or out. They certainly nailed a good spot for his personality!

 A pretty quiet weekend, but we did some things. Shane really wants people to come over or to call him to play Roblox. I don't want him calling the same line more than several times a day. There have to be hours spaced in between, too, because I don't want him to be a nuisance. If Carrie or I offer to watch something with him, he's all for it...until someone calls him back. Then he'll ditch us immediately. He doesn't sugarcoat or delay it at all!

1 comment:

  1. I love how the youth at your church are being cheering type greeters in this blog! So important to make people feel welcomed and loved at church! Kids love kids! Maybe you could invite Bryce to come down for a few days this summer while his parents work.
