Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Max's Health (The Backlog!)

There was blood in Max's throw-up. It looked like she'd stolen some bunny hay. It could have scratched her through going down (or up).

Max is old. She's ~16.5 years of age! She can't jump up on tables without a step in between anymore. If I use the crate walls to separate the dogs, she can't clear it and remains trapped on whatever side she's on. The bloody throw-up was another reminder. We try to keep an eye on her in case she shows signs that something serious is developing.

There was a week in late November where Carrie was worried, because Max vomited once a day on average. I never saw it, but that could be because Kila likes to clean up the mess (Yum.).

But so far, Max keeps on ticking! I noticed her sleeping in a sunbeam with Happy while I was writing and took a picture.

Max probably ends up interacting with the dogs the most, because she can't reach the high places anymore. She's still a ninja and likes to sneak into Shane's or our bedroom to sleep away from the action. She hasn't shown any signs of incontinence, so she's the only cat I trust to leave alone in a room for hours at a time.

It will be sad when Max passes, but she's lived a full life. Her health is on our minds, but hopefully she'll keep living comfortably and further push out the record for longest lived cat Carrie's ever owned.

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