Monday, October 24, 2022

Bone Comics (The Backlog!)

Shane and I have made more trips to the library lately. Shane likes to read Garfield comics each night before bed. He, also, likes to read them out loud one after another at breakfast and whenever he can get a captive audience.

While I'd like him to read an actual book, Shane normally plops down in the comics section.

It's reading. 

He's enjoying being in a library, though, so I'll take it.

Often, what should be a short trip turns into an hour. I look around, and then normally sit down with a book or a graphic novel because they're quick. I try to stay off my phone, so Shane will 'catch' me reading when he does wander over (and he'll usually try to jump scare me). 

I'd heard about Bone while working in a library. I had a friend, Kevin, who was into comics and recommended it, too.

I was reading one and Shane asked, "What's that?" I checked it out and we went through the whole series! 

Shane "finished" reading a book or two before me. I gave Shane priority with the books. He fell asleep more than once with a book by his bed that I went and nabbed to read while he snored. I highly suspect he skimmed. A lot.

But it was still fun. We both read the same books! Too bad there's not an animated version or we could've coaxed Carrie into the universe, too!

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