Saturday, October 1, 2022

Cancellations and Closings! (The Backlog!)

Shane loved Lumpkins so much that Carrie and I were thinking of making it our local restaurant. We don't normally eat out much, but we went 3 or 4 times over a month or so. Carrie can easily cook similar fare, but it's fun to have family routines. I like to go places even if it's more expensive than eating at home, because there's the chance to see and meet people.

....aaaand then it died. One night, a cook abruptly walked out and the bunch of teenagers left (including one of my old students) didn't have a clue what to do. Lumpkins cancelled dinner for the foreseeable future which meant we couldn't go after school. My old student came by and told me that she and the other workers that night got let go by phone/voicemail.

We haven't gone back since.

Maybe they'll get their act back together in the future, but between the shenanigans and the ice cream shop closing for the winter it's closed to use for the time being.

Something similar happened at Costco only it's Carrie specific. Shane and I were doing an after-church grocery run...

...and I spotted this sign. Carrie has two places she gets diesel for her truck. Costco is one of them and the other is a small station near her foxhunt group's fixture.

I guess she's going to have to remember to get gas whenever she trailers out to foxhunt!

Neither 'closing' is a big deal in world events, but they're specific to our neck of the woods. Everyone who stays in an area long enough notches up "Remember when's." 

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