Thursday, October 20, 2022

Shane's Parent Teacher Conferences (The Backlog!)

I'm not particularly worried about Shane's academics, but I signed up for an English and a Math conference for him. What I wanted was to show Shane I was interested and checking up on him. I hoped it give his teachers a chance to say some nice things about him.

It also got him out of the house. I like his high-energy, but Carrie can only handle so much!

Both teachers had good things to say. Math is more structured and challenging for him to focus/finish the work. Shane really likes his English teacher, though. He's even used words at home like antagonist and protagonist, so I know he's listening some! 

Shane's complained to us about a student who wants to be friends with Dylan and keeps poking at Shane and muttering when he tries to hang around Dylan. Reading between the lines, the teachers gave Shane's complaints some credibility. They acknowledge some students are harder to sit next to than others and that seats would be changed eventually. 

Which is fine. Shane's sensitive. People can be annoying. Learning how to deal with it is a life skill. I've expected the structure of Middle School and social scene to be the hardest challenge for Shane instead of the academics.

One of Shane's works of art was up in the hallway as we walked around! He's been watching Moon Knight with Carrie. I recognized right away the scene he was referencing!

It was easy to guess which sculpture was Shane's, too!

The kid knows what he likes! Getting switched into art was fantastic for him. I'm going to encourage him to take another art elective in the future.

We swung by the library on the way home. There was some talk of starting a board game group there on Thursday nights, but I've either forgotten or been unavailable each week it's been run. Sadly, I think the group failed to launch. I'm a big fan of libraries and board games, so I would've been happy to support it and attend if I could.

We were probably out for an hour or an hour and a half. I like having an activity, but time to rest and unwind afterward. Only one more day left this week! Next week is a short week. The quarter ends and there's a pair of teacher workdays, woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. You are the best dad! I love how active you are in his life. Shane looks so handsome in the picture at the library looking at the chess set. It's funny how he still loves ants. His drawing is very good.
