The chiggers are in 'bloom' again. I have itches in places I don't want to describe online.
I think the actual chigger count is down. I've been mowing much more frequently and we had some snow over the winter. I've been in the yard a lot more, though. Less chiggers, but more time in the yard equals the same amount of bites as last year.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Bill and Jill's Wedding
I was hoping more pictures would be out on Facebook by now, but I did find one I was in!
My eyes and nose are between the pink flowers and the second groomsmen's head. You probably have to zoom in a bit...
In reality, this wedding wasn't about me in the least. It was about Bill and Jill. It seemed to go off with nary a hitch. It was hot, but it wasn't "Thank God, Bill ordered second shirts for everyone because we melted" hot.
Two parts of the service stand out in my memory:
The pastor read personal stories that Bill and Jill had written before the vows. I thought both stories were charming and full of memories you know neither of them will forget. I especially liked the part where Bill mentioned Igor pushing him into Jill. Earlier that night, I remember Iggs threatening to do it if Bill chickened out! It may have been a slightly preemptive shove, but it makes a good story.
Jill held it together very well, but you could hear the emotion in her voice. She choked up a little during the vows. I always take it as a good sign when you can tell there's emotion behind the vows. My belief is your signing up for the rest of your life (for better or worse). That's an intimidating thing even if you're head over heels in love. There should be emotion. There should also be that discipline and determination to live out your vows and love. If there was no emotion or if there were theatrics, it would not have been as auspicious a sign, but what do I know? It's just a gut feeling.
I thought Bill's uncle Kevin yelling "YOU'RE NEXT!!!" to Dan on the way out was hilarious. He should have kept that one in until the reception (it's Bill and Jill's show), but it was impossible not to laugh once that cat was out of the bag. The comedic timing was close to perfect.
I was glad that Renee, Shar and Carrie were running around while Matt, Dan and I were doing groomsmen things. They got their nails done together and Carrie added a very appropriate touch to the wedding. We all ended up sitting at the same table for the reception. Carrie *may* have switched out some name cards exiling Patrick and Marcus, but I am innocent.
The boys weren't too happy with the move, but they could have moved back when Carrie and I left a little early. The rum and cokes Carrie was given were double strength. It was something of a joke by Bill's uncle Kevin that left Carrie feeling a little sick (we didn't find out until later). We don't typically drink, so a little alcohol can go a long way. Carrie went straight to bed when we got back and was fine in the morning. She ate cheesesteak and handmade ice cream like a champ in Philly the next day.
It was a great weekend. Carrie and I got to drive up in style, friends and family were everywhere, and Bill and Jill got to start their married life together. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
My eyes and nose are between the pink flowers and the second groomsmen's head. You probably have to zoom in a bit...
In reality, this wedding wasn't about me in the least. It was about Bill and Jill. It seemed to go off with nary a hitch. It was hot, but it wasn't "Thank God, Bill ordered second shirts for everyone because we melted" hot.
Two parts of the service stand out in my memory:
The pastor read personal stories that Bill and Jill had written before the vows. I thought both stories were charming and full of memories you know neither of them will forget. I especially liked the part where Bill mentioned Igor pushing him into Jill. Earlier that night, I remember Iggs threatening to do it if Bill chickened out! It may have been a slightly preemptive shove, but it makes a good story.
Jill held it together very well, but you could hear the emotion in her voice. She choked up a little during the vows. I always take it as a good sign when you can tell there's emotion behind the vows. My belief is your signing up for the rest of your life (for better or worse). That's an intimidating thing even if you're head over heels in love. There should be emotion. There should also be that discipline and determination to live out your vows and love. If there was no emotion or if there were theatrics, it would not have been as auspicious a sign, but what do I know? It's just a gut feeling.
I thought Bill's uncle Kevin yelling "YOU'RE NEXT!!!" to Dan on the way out was hilarious. He should have kept that one in until the reception (it's Bill and Jill's show), but it was impossible not to laugh once that cat was out of the bag. The comedic timing was close to perfect.
I was glad that Renee, Shar and Carrie were running around while Matt, Dan and I were doing groomsmen things. They got their nails done together and Carrie added a very appropriate touch to the wedding. We all ended up sitting at the same table for the reception. Carrie *may* have switched out some name cards exiling Patrick and Marcus, but I am innocent.
The boys weren't too happy with the move, but they could have moved back when Carrie and I left a little early. The rum and cokes Carrie was given were double strength. It was something of a joke by Bill's uncle Kevin that left Carrie feeling a little sick (we didn't find out until later). We don't typically drink, so a little alcohol can go a long way. Carrie went straight to bed when we got back and was fine in the morning. She ate cheesesteak and handmade ice cream like a champ in Philly the next day.
It was a great weekend. Carrie and I got to drive up in style, friends and family were everywhere, and Bill and Jill got to start their married life together. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
How Appropriate
My wife surprised the groomsmen when we were getting ready. It was very appropriate. I can't help but grin when I think about it. I love my wife!
I think Shar's tale is the most fun lead-in. It went something like this...
Shar: Carrie is coming by with a surprise for everyone.
Dan: Strippers?
Shar: No!
Dan: Booze?
Shar: NO, DAN! This is something [my family] likes!
Dan: Oh! A cookie cake!
Ha! I bust a gut laughing when I heard the progression (and saw the "shut ups!" and punches from Shar that followed when Dan cracked up, too).
Dan got it on the third try! Cookie cakes are something of a tradition in my branch of the family. A birthday staple. I find it fitting that while we all forgot the tradition my wife remembered and acted. She's one of us through and through. Good job, Love!
I think Bill was touched. I know he ate some before the wedding and then he and Jill had some more for breakfast the next morning!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
I'm trying to pick up the guitar again. I loaned my electric out to my coworker, Matt, and it got me thinking: "What if I practiced whenever Shane watched Little Einstein's or one of his kiddie shows?"
My fingers are remembering faster than my head. There's still a ton of rust and I never got beyond chords, but who knows? Learning is fun. I don't mind failing and making mistakes as long as I get a little bit of progress after each one.
My fingers are remembering faster than my head. There's still a ton of rust and I never got beyond chords, but who knows? Learning is fun. I don't mind failing and making mistakes as long as I get a little bit of progress after each one.
Happy Anniversary!
Today is Carrie and I's wedding anniversary. We were married 4 years ago at Christ Church!
I spent the morning calling Carrie "my best decision" and "wife of many years," but I think she was too sleepy to realize I wasn't only being sweet.
I'm going to drop by her work later and try to surprise her. I can't do anything over the top, though. She's still somewhat new at her work and you're not supposed to give out too much personal information there either (some of the clientele may not be as reformed as they claim to be).
Happy Anniversary, Carrie! I pray we have many decades more of them!
UPDATE: My wife called me from work earlier and mentioned that there was an "event" she was picking up food for. I guess I can't bring her lunch as I originally planned. Hmmmm....
I spent the morning calling Carrie "my best decision" and "wife of many years," but I think she was too sleepy to realize I wasn't only being sweet.
I'm going to drop by her work later and try to surprise her. I can't do anything over the top, though. She's still somewhat new at her work and you're not supposed to give out too much personal information there either (some of the clientele may not be as reformed as they claim to be).
Happy Anniversary, Carrie! I pray we have many decades more of them!
UPDATE: My wife called me from work earlier and mentioned that there was an "event" she was picking up food for. I guess I can't bring her lunch as I originally planned. Hmmmm....
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Post-Wedding Philadelphia
The day after the wedding, Igor decided that Casey NEEDED to try an authentic philly cheesesteak. So what did we do?
We went to Philly of course!
Carrie and the Corvette
My wife breathed a sigh of relief when we crossed into Delaware on the way home!
If Shane doesn't stop picking at it, he's going to have a scar between his eyes.
I think it started off as a bug bite. He's picked the scab off once and peels off bandaids to regain access.
I think it started off as a bug bite. He's picked the scab off once and peels off bandaids to regain access.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
DayCare Blues
It was a bright and happy morning at first. Shane slept in, he ate some peanut butter crackers, and wanted to go outside to find the basketball.
Then Shane saw me stick a blanket in his backpack.
He started crying. "I NOT go play! I NOT!"
Clever boy. I learned weeks ago a stray word could clue him in. I'm going to have to be more careful with his diaper bag now, too.
In the beginning, Shane liked daycare. Somewhere along the way, he decided he would rather be waited upon hand and foot by Genevieve or Nana and Pop. He didn't want any pesky sharing toys or the spotlight.
So now Shane cries whenever he realizes he's going to daycare.
"It will be fun! Let's go see your friends!" Carrie and I try to be positive.
"I NO want to see friends! I NOT FRIENDS!" Sometimes the tears are more silent, but it rends at you anyway.
The reality is: Carrie is going to be a working mom. That means Shane will need daycare. Carrie and I decided to keep him going twice a week over the summer to help accustom Shane to it and prevent a transition period. He normally seems fine when I pick him up (even if he's in a hurry to go to Subway). Sure, there is some whining, but Shane's learned to whine recently.
Anyway, I did not want my son's sacrifice to be in vain. Shane went to daycare; I went to lawncare. I lathered on some sunscreen and I spent the next couple of hours mowing and weeding. I took a shower, ate some breakfast, and caught up some on my blog (you're reading it!). There's still plenty of dishes, laundry and other chores to do.
I'll take a break later, but as long as Shane's at daycare and Carrie's at work I have a chance to make a big dent in the workload.
The N Word
My son loves to say "NO." He enunciates and puts a lot of force into it!
He is proficient with "I NOT" and "I NEED!," as well.
Shane's no game is to tell you one thing, wait for you to react, and then immediately tell you the opposite. He cries and whines if Daddy doesn't switch gears.
This can make for an interesting game of back and forth where everyone loses. I ask Shane what he wants. He tells me one thing. I parrot Shane for clarification. Shane tells me another thing. I parrot Shane's new request. Shane gets upset. He may tell me the first thing; he may tell me the second thing. Sometimes he just throws a tantrum and I'm left wondering.
I can be stubborn, too. Typically, once Shane repeats a command after I ask for clarification: that's what I go with. If Shane says "I need banana!" and I open it, I don't accept "I NOT!" He may cry, but until he eats a couple of bites I don't let him run off ("You asked for a banana. You need to eat.")
Yesterday, we drove by the library.
I asked Shane, "Do you want to go to the library?"
"I NOT!"
"What was that? Do you want to go to the library?"
"I NOT! I NOT go to the the library!"
That sounded clear as day to me. It also sounded like the complete opposite of what Shane really wanted, but I went with it.
"Okay. I hear you. We no go to the library."
Shane waited until we passed the turn to start crying. "THAT WAY! LIBRARY! LIBRARY!"
"Shane, you said 'I not go to the library.'"
More tears.
"Say what you mean next time," and I kept driving.
We're definitely in "the terrible twos." It's still a lot more fun, because Shane can communicate. It will be even more fun for him when he learns that saying "no" is a way to communicate and not a game unto itself.
I'm also trying to get him to say "I am not."
Daddy grammar police.*
*(Yes, I know I used bad grammar when talking to Shane earlier, but you have to speak so the child understands! Baby steps...)
He is proficient with "I NOT" and "I NEED!," as well.
Shane's no game is to tell you one thing, wait for you to react, and then immediately tell you the opposite. He cries and whines if Daddy doesn't switch gears.
This can make for an interesting game of back and forth where everyone loses. I ask Shane what he wants. He tells me one thing. I parrot Shane for clarification. Shane tells me another thing. I parrot Shane's new request. Shane gets upset. He may tell me the first thing; he may tell me the second thing. Sometimes he just throws a tantrum and I'm left wondering.
I can be stubborn, too. Typically, once Shane repeats a command after I ask for clarification: that's what I go with. If Shane says "I need banana!" and I open it, I don't accept "I NOT!" He may cry, but until he eats a couple of bites I don't let him run off ("You asked for a banana. You need to eat.")
Yesterday, we drove by the library.
I asked Shane, "Do you want to go to the library?"
"I NOT!"
"What was that? Do you want to go to the library?"
"I NOT! I NOT go to the the library!"
That sounded clear as day to me. It also sounded like the complete opposite of what Shane really wanted, but I went with it.
"Okay. I hear you. We no go to the library."
Shane waited until we passed the turn to start crying. "THAT WAY! LIBRARY! LIBRARY!"
"Shane, you said 'I not go to the library.'"
More tears.
"Say what you mean next time," and I kept driving.
We're definitely in "the terrible twos." It's still a lot more fun, because Shane can communicate. It will be even more fun for him when he learns that saying "no" is a way to communicate and not a game unto itself.
I'm also trying to get him to say "I am not."
Daddy grammar police.*
*(Yes, I know I used bad grammar when talking to Shane earlier, but you have to speak so the child understands! Baby steps...)
Monday, June 24, 2013
Summer Goals 2013
It's goals time again.
Summer 2013
1. Teach Summer School
2. Earn 8 Academy Credits and get my raise!
3. Yard work, Yard work, YARD WORK!
4. Have some fun adventures with Shane!
Goal 1: Summer School - Two weeks before school ended I was told "It's almost 100%" that I would be needed to teach summer school. I figure that means my chances are 50/50. The last day of school, my coworker, Ellie, told me to sign up for a summer school training the next day. I went, but I've heard nothing since. If I get to work summer school: great! Extra income and a new experience. If I don't get to work summer school: it will help with achieving...
Goal 2: 8 Credits - I'm taking two 1 credit online courses and one 3 credit course at the beginning of July. I have to find time for three more credits somewhere. One of the courses I was going to take was already canceled, though. My 3 credit course nearly bit the dust, too (then I'd have been sunk). If I teach Summer School, there will be a couple of other classes I have to drop out of. Luckily, I signed up for 11 credits worth of courses figuring there would be a casualty or two.
Goal 3: Yard Work - Carrie and I hired a landscaper back in May, but he disappeared and was never heard from again. The work is only half done, and I aim to finish it. My goal is to have a nice, poison-ivy free yard that's low maintenance. I don't care if there are dandelions here and there. I do care about our produce beds. The corn is coming in nicely, but I'm pulling thistle from veggie bed every other day. Apparently, the 'mother root' is deep down and shoots up new weeds whenever I pull one out.
Goal 4: Adventures! - I need to write more Shane stories! I want to be a part of them, as well! There have been a lack of posts this weekend, because I was at Bill and Jill's wedding and then went with friends to Philadelphia for a quick day trip (it was half an hour from the wedding). I'll catch up one some back posts tomorrow and I'll back date some to spread them out.
Summer 2013
1. Teach Summer School
2. Earn 8 Academy Credits and get my raise!
3. Yard work, Yard work, YARD WORK!
4. Have some fun adventures with Shane!
Goal 1: Summer School - Two weeks before school ended I was told "It's almost 100%" that I would be needed to teach summer school. I figure that means my chances are 50/50. The last day of school, my coworker, Ellie, told me to sign up for a summer school training the next day. I went, but I've heard nothing since. If I get to work summer school: great! Extra income and a new experience. If I don't get to work summer school: it will help with achieving...
Goal 2: 8 Credits - I'm taking two 1 credit online courses and one 3 credit course at the beginning of July. I have to find time for three more credits somewhere. One of the courses I was going to take was already canceled, though. My 3 credit course nearly bit the dust, too (then I'd have been sunk). If I teach Summer School, there will be a couple of other classes I have to drop out of. Luckily, I signed up for 11 credits worth of courses figuring there would be a casualty or two.
Goal 3: Yard Work - Carrie and I hired a landscaper back in May, but he disappeared and was never heard from again. The work is only half done, and I aim to finish it. My goal is to have a nice, poison-ivy free yard that's low maintenance. I don't care if there are dandelions here and there. I do care about our produce beds. The corn is coming in nicely, but I'm pulling thistle from veggie bed every other day. Apparently, the 'mother root' is deep down and shoots up new weeds whenever I pull one out.
Goal 4: Adventures! - I need to write more Shane stories! I want to be a part of them, as well! There have been a lack of posts this weekend, because I was at Bill and Jill's wedding and then went with friends to Philadelphia for a quick day trip (it was half an hour from the wedding). I'll catch up one some back posts tomorrow and I'll back date some to spread them out.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Bill and Jill's Wedding
Carrie and I are up in New Jersey for Bill and Jill's wedding! Dan loaned us the corvette.
My wife was very happy driving up!
My wife was very happy driving up!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Max's Story
Max and Carrie have a nightly routine.
Carrie goes up the stairs; Max follows.
Carrie lays down; Max jumps up on the bed, runs over, and nuzzles in.
Carrie's heart melts.
Max has always been Carrie's cat. This is the how they met.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Missed Stories (and experimenting with alt text)
Sometimes, I look for a link to an old story and realize I never wrote it! I'm always a little sad when I miss out on writing a good story, but I'm blessed that I have so many stories I want to write.
Basic Hygene
This happened a few weeks ago, but a funny tale deserves to be told.
I roared and Shane giggled.
"Shaaaane, I'm gonna get you!"
I dropped onto my hands and knees and crawled straight at the boy. He laughed.
The distance closed, and I was upon him! Shane threw up his hands! I roared again as I bumped my head into Shane's chest.
Or I would have roared save a toddler finger interrupted me.
"Bleh! I think I just got a thumb in my mouth!" I spat.
Shane giggled.
Carrie froze.
I looked at her, confused. Her posture told me something was wrong, but I had no clue as to what.
"Go brush your teeth," she said. "Use mouthwash. I'll wash his hands."
Butt-hand mouth.
There was no poop, but it was fresh. Thankfully, Shane I reacted before there was any flavor.
Still, ew.
I roared and Shane giggled.
"Shaaaane, I'm gonna get you!"
I dropped onto my hands and knees and crawled straight at the boy. He laughed.
The distance closed, and I was upon him! Shane threw up his hands! I roared again as I bumped my head into Shane's chest.
Or I would have roared save a toddler finger interrupted me.
"Bleh! I think I just got a thumb in my mouth!" I spat.
Shane giggled.
Carrie froze.
I looked at her, confused. Her posture told me something was wrong, but I had no clue as to what.
"Go brush your teeth," she said. "Use mouthwash. I'll wash his hands."
Butt-hand mouth.
There was no poop, but it was fresh. Thankfully, Shane I reacted before there was any flavor.
Still, ew.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
It's Getting More Fun
There's a lot of work involved in raising a child (See: "Parenting is Not for Cowards"). Anyone who tells you their little munchkin is all rays of fun and sunshine is lying through their teeth, crazy, or oblivious. It's exhausting to love and take care of a wee one.
It's definitely been more fun lately, though. Shane communicates immeasurably better. He's more independent, and he's learning new things all the time.You can see him trying to reason through things. The boy learned to lie to get his way a month ago. I'm not sure if I should be sad he's lying or proud that he can reason enough to do it. (Shane just ran up to me and asked to get on the computer. I said "No." Shane thought a second and then said "Mommy turn!" "Mommy turn on what?" "Mommy turn on the computer!" The boy is smart! He knows an easy mark!)
It makes things more fun. Shane's becoming his own little person.
Awww. Shane just made up a "Happy Father's Day" song. Carrie asked him to say "Happy Father's Day" and I got a revised "Happy Birthday." That deserves a garbage truck video on YouTube.
This a proud Dad, signing off.
It's definitely been more fun lately, though. Shane communicates immeasurably better. He's more independent, and he's learning new things all the time.You can see him trying to reason through things. The boy learned to lie to get his way a month ago. I'm not sure if I should be sad he's lying or proud that he can reason enough to do it. (Shane just ran up to me and asked to get on the computer. I said "No." Shane thought a second and then said "Mommy turn!" "Mommy turn on what?" "Mommy turn on the computer!" The boy is smart! He knows an easy mark!)
It makes things more fun. Shane's becoming his own little person.
Awww. Shane just made up a "Happy Father's Day" song. Carrie asked him to say "Happy Father's Day" and I got a revised "Happy Birthday." That deserves a garbage truck video on YouTube.
This a proud Dad, signing off.
Summer Hair
It's not Shane's best buzz ever, but it's far from the worst. I buzzed him in the bathroom. Little vain boy watched happily in the mirror until the third swipe. Five seconds is about the maximum for his attention span.
Carrie was surprised!
Carrie was surprised!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Sun Barometer
Our neighbor invited Shane and I to go to the pool today. When we arrived, he asked if Shane needed any sunscreen.
I declined. I am Shane's 'sun-screen.'
Basically, I burn before his skin notices the sun is out.
It happened again today. The back of my neck started to heat up, and I knew it was time to go. I put some aloe on earlier, but the damage was done. Shane doesn't have a speck of pink on him. He gets that from Carrie. On the other hand, I have lily white Irish skin that doesn't tan so much as it cooks. Cloudy or clear.
We had a great time, though. Shane has no fear of the water. We even went in the big pool.
1) Shane is strong enough he can pull himself up and out of the pool. No steps required.
2) He will then run straight for the deep end.
Thankfully, Daddy is faster at 1 and 2 than Shane is. The booger tried it a couple of times. I tried to teach Shane a lesson by letting him wade into water he couldn't keep the bottom of his head above. Shane may like the pool, but he refuses to let his head go below water. When his head does hit H2O he wont' hold his breath either. I figured once he realized what deeper water entailed he would lose interest or even show a healthy amount of preservation instinct.
Shane walked until he mouth was under the water, took a mouthful, and started hacking. Daddy immediately rescued him, patted him on the back, and then Daddy had to pull the crazy child back as he tried to wade into deeper water again!
No lessons were learned today (other than "The big pool is fun, too!").
Actually, wait. There was one lesson I learned. Shane's diapers can hold half a gallon of water.
I had swim diapers with me, but I didn't bother to change Shane right away. The diaper ballooned up until it looked like there was an armadillo crammed in the boys pants (and it was ready to burst out)! Hilarious!
I could only take a quick pick, because Shane was charging off as usual.
It was a good day.
I declined. I am Shane's 'sun-screen.'
Basically, I burn before his skin notices the sun is out.
It happened again today. The back of my neck started to heat up, and I knew it was time to go. I put some aloe on earlier, but the damage was done. Shane doesn't have a speck of pink on him. He gets that from Carrie. On the other hand, I have lily white Irish skin that doesn't tan so much as it cooks. Cloudy or clear.
We had a great time, though. Shane has no fear of the water. We even went in the big pool.
1) Shane is strong enough he can pull himself up and out of the pool. No steps required.
2) He will then run straight for the deep end.
Thankfully, Daddy is faster at 1 and 2 than Shane is. The booger tried it a couple of times. I tried to teach Shane a lesson by letting him wade into water he couldn't keep the bottom of his head above. Shane may like the pool, but he refuses to let his head go below water. When his head does hit H2O he wont' hold his breath either. I figured once he realized what deeper water entailed he would lose interest or even show a healthy amount of preservation instinct.
Shane walked until he mouth was under the water, took a mouthful, and started hacking. Daddy immediately rescued him, patted him on the back, and then Daddy had to pull the crazy child back as he tried to wade into deeper water again!
No lessons were learned today (other than "The big pool is fun, too!").
Actually, wait. There was one lesson I learned. Shane's diapers can hold half a gallon of water.
I had swim diapers with me, but I didn't bother to change Shane right away. The diaper ballooned up until it looked like there was an armadillo crammed in the boys pants (and it was ready to burst out)! Hilarious!
I could only take a quick pick, because Shane was charging off as usual.
It was a good day.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The Boy is Mine
A common comment I hear from my friends is "Mike, [your son] looks nothing like you," or he's "all Carrie."
Shane will then get up, whoop, and run around berserko like the energizer bunny on a caffeine high. He may fart, too.
Then my friend will say "But he's all you on the inside!"
There's no doubting the paternity there.
My recessive genes are floating around in Shane somewhere. He's a hybrid and it may come back out if he ever has kids.
I come from a long line of "clones."
Nana used to joke that Pop's genes "beat hers up." She said we all looked like Pop and....well, there's a strong family resemblance on Pop's side of things.
Shane will then get up, whoop, and run around berserko like the energizer bunny on a caffeine high. He may fart, too.
Then my friend will say "But he's all you on the inside!"
There's no doubting the paternity there.
My recessive genes are floating around in Shane somewhere. He's a hybrid and it may come back out if he ever has kids.
I come from a long line of "clones."
Nana used to joke that Pop's genes "beat hers up." She said we all looked like Pop and....well, there's a strong family resemblance on Pop's side of things.
Two of the uncles figured out red facial hair is a winner. No, they're not cops or math teachers. They just didn't realize that a beard is far superior to a simple mustache!
Just Me and the Boy
Carrie is out of town for the annual YCC supervisor's training tonight. She'll be back tomorrow, so that she can go to a class on Saturday for her new job. She needs to take the class to earn the badge she needs for access to the adult detention center. Exciting times for my wife!
Shane's stuck with me again in the meantime!
When Shane was first born, there were times I was almost intimidated to be alone with him. "Am I going to screw this up?"
The thought still pops up from time to time, but it's usually followed by "LET'S FIND OUT! WOOO!"
Shane's still got both arms and all of his toes, so I haven't totally screwed the pooch yet! I only have to hold out until Shane's old enough that it will be his own damn fault if he looses a finger!
On a more serious note: I do get to spend a lot of time with my son. I don't want to be one of those dads who's never around. I pull Shane out of bed every morning and once work ends I see him all the way up until we say our bedtime prayer and he zonks out. My job doesn't require travel, so I think Matt's bachelor party was the only time I've left him and Carrie. There were a few vacations here and there, but those were with my wife and Shane got coveted grandparent spoiling time.
My theory: Shane says "Daddy go away!" because he sees so much of me! Summer is right around the corner, so Shane's only going to get more Daddy time! It doesn't help that I'm usually the discipline parent, too ("No fork in the light socket!"). He's got Carrie wrapped around his little finger. Even Genevieve says so!
I appreciate how my folks are big on correcting Shane whenever the "Daddy go away's" start, but I don't take it personally. My legacy is that I want to be active in my son's life and to be there when he wants me and when he needs me (and the two are definitely not the same thing).
I've got to avoid being a helicopter parent, as well! The ones I run into as a teacher always annoy me. Kids need opportunities to fail. They need bumps. They need bruises. Mistakes are some of life's best lessons.
Shane's stuck with me again in the meantime!
When Shane was first born, there were times I was almost intimidated to be alone with him. "Am I going to screw this up?"
The thought still pops up from time to time, but it's usually followed by "LET'S FIND OUT! WOOO!"
Shane's still got both arms and all of his toes, so I haven't totally screwed the pooch yet! I only have to hold out until Shane's old enough that it will be his own damn fault if he looses a finger!
On a more serious note: I do get to spend a lot of time with my son. I don't want to be one of those dads who's never around. I pull Shane out of bed every morning and once work ends I see him all the way up until we say our bedtime prayer and he zonks out. My job doesn't require travel, so I think Matt's bachelor party was the only time I've left him and Carrie. There were a few vacations here and there, but those were with my wife and Shane got coveted grandparent spoiling time.
My theory: Shane says "Daddy go away!" because he sees so much of me! Summer is right around the corner, so Shane's only going to get more Daddy time! It doesn't help that I'm usually the discipline parent, too ("No fork in the light socket!"). He's got Carrie wrapped around his little finger. Even Genevieve says so!
I appreciate how my folks are big on correcting Shane whenever the "Daddy go away's" start, but I don't take it personally. My legacy is that I want to be active in my son's life and to be there when he wants me and when he needs me (and the two are definitely not the same thing).
I've got to avoid being a helicopter parent, as well! The ones I run into as a teacher always annoy me. Kids need opportunities to fail. They need bumps. They need bruises. Mistakes are some of life's best lessons.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
We Are
It was time to go home. Shane squirmed in my arms and reached out one last time. He looked at Pop and whined, "Bye bye IndyPopPopNanaJama!!"
Pop and I grinned. Indy, Nana, and Jama would have smiled too if they were there.
"What? Are you a collective now?" I said.
"We are Borg!" Pop laughed.
A few days later, Pop sent a quick email:
Hi Carrie. Do you have a link for the type of basement bottom door guard that you mentioned the other day to Debbie? I wanted to look at the kind you mentioned before putting on the one Debbie bought. No rush. Thanks NanaPoppopIndyJama
Resistance is futile.
Pop and I grinned. Indy, Nana, and Jama would have smiled too if they were there.
"What? Are you a collective now?" I said.
"We are Borg!" Pop laughed.
A few days later, Pop sent a quick email:
Hi Carrie. Do you have a link for the type of basement bottom door guard that you mentioned the other day to Debbie? I wanted to look at the kind you mentioned before putting on the one Debbie bought. No rush. Thanks NanaPoppopIndyJama
Resistance is futile.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Shane's going to find himself permanently in overalls if I can't get him to stop sticking his hand down the back of his pants!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Chipmunk Cheeks
Shane woke up from a nap and said "I need to spit!" last weekend.
He never swallowed a pocket of ham from his lunch. I guess he nursed and sucked on it his whole nap.
He started to spit it out before I could get him to a trash can, so I stuck my hand out. Being a parent gets you strangely comfortable with things like backwash, poop, puke, and overly chewed food!
Shane has this weird habit of "chipmunking" food. He leaves it one of his cheeks and lets it stick around.
Sometimes, he'll eventually decide to swallow.
Sometimes he decides he never really liked it and ptooey!
It's definitely an odd little Shane-ism. It doesn't fit too well with how quick he likes to shove food in his mouth. The pocket builds and builds.
If Shane's still doing this at 16, God help him get a date!
He never swallowed a pocket of ham from his lunch. I guess he nursed and sucked on it his whole nap.
He started to spit it out before I could get him to a trash can, so I stuck my hand out. Being a parent gets you strangely comfortable with things like backwash, poop, puke, and overly chewed food!
Shane has this weird habit of "chipmunking" food. He leaves it one of his cheeks and lets it stick around.
Sometimes, he'll eventually decide to swallow.
Sometimes he decides he never really liked it and ptooey!
It's definitely an odd little Shane-ism. It doesn't fit too well with how quick he likes to shove food in his mouth. The pocket builds and builds.
If Shane's still doing this at 16, God help him get a date!
Use Scary in a Sentence
Scary is when your toddler locks you out of the house. Your keys and phone are inside with him.
I slipped into the garage to throw the wash into the dryer, and heard a bolt slide behind me. Shane giggled. He was proud of himself.
I knocked on the door and kept asking "Shane, unlock the door?" I turned the knob so that he couldn't lock that, as well. I felt him fiddle with it on the other side. I hoped he would get bored when he realized it wouldn't move and play with the bolt instead.
I knocked near the bolt and prayed and prayed! Shane laughed and undid the bolt. I was in!
It was a scary two minutes (tops). I normally walk around with my phone and keys on me, but Shane caught me at exactly the wrong moment. No matter how good you think you are, it takes but a few moments for things to go awry.
It's never fun to be humbled, but a lesson learned is a reprieve earned. Shane's getting a short Thomas break, so I can type this out and let my pulse settle!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Family on the Move
Matt and Renee are back in town! Shane and I helped them move back in on Wednesday.
"Help" is a relative term, though.
Shane loved the moving truck. Pop had him running underneath it and squirting it with a water bottle when I arrived. When the ramp came out, Shane ran up and down it at least forty times! The boy has a sky-high energy level!
I may have thrown him on the mattress you see in the picture, as well. You know, as a fun way to celebrate getting to the top! We stopped that game when Matt mentioned there was a flat-screen TV somewhere underneath.
One of the highlights for me, was how interactive Shane was with everyone else helping Matt and Renee (you didn't think we were that much help, did you?). When Ryan arrived, I told Shane "Pull Ryan to Matt."
Shane did! I was amazed that he A) wanted anything to do with Ryan, B) understood me, and C) did what I asked! That's progress! I think Shane got attached to Ryan pretty quickly. Ryan is probably the tallest man Shane's ever seen. He pulled a step stool over to hold his hand!
It's nice to see my brother and his wife again. While they're at Nana and Pop's, they're going to be seeing a lot more of Shane! (Maybe too much in some cases! Matt walked up the stairs Friday morning to be greeted by a certain pant-less little boy who was excited to see the basement door opened! ha ha!)
Bachelor Party Friday!
Bill's Bachelor Pre-Party was held Friday night at our house!
Shane got to be a part of the initial festivities. He sat in Matt and Bill's lap for Mario Kart and generally ran around hamming it up. Whenever it was Carrie's turn to play, I'd say "Go kiss Mommy!" The boy loved having everyone over. He hammed it up. It was great being able to sit back and watch him play. He was the main source of entertainment until bedtime!
I love how he's picking his nose while Uncle Matt is celebrating a victory!
There was pizza, no strippers, and 8 grown men drank 12 beers total.
Utterly tame.
Carrie hooked up a TV to play Super Nintendo games, Cooley, Bill, and Marcus how to play Dominion, and then there was a Munchkin game. It was great to see everyone. The "wild" party is going to be in Atlantic City tonight. I'm sure I'll hear some embarrassing stories at the wedding.
Shane got to be a part of the initial festivities. He sat in Matt and Bill's lap for Mario Kart and generally ran around hamming it up. Whenever it was Carrie's turn to play, I'd say "Go kiss Mommy!" The boy loved having everyone over. He hammed it up. It was great being able to sit back and watch him play. He was the main source of entertainment until bedtime!
I love how he's picking his nose while Uncle Matt is celebrating a victory!
Thank God, he's sound sleeper. There were no allergy sniffles, and everyone tried to hang out in the basement or outside. Carrie had been thinking about getting a hotel room, but I'm glad it did not come to that!
We need to invite people over more often. It's more fun for Shane and us!
EDIT: Carrie posted these pics on Facebook and I swiped them for your enjoyment.
EDIT: Carrie posted these pics on Facebook and I swiped them for your enjoyment.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Shane loves cicadas! A strain of 17-years is popping up all over Nana and Pop's. Last summer, Shane loved the shells at our house. This summer, he's playing with the real things! We collected a pile of seven around the yard for counting, poking, and sending down the slide!

Don't worry! No cicadas were harmed for this production. Shane only found one with some life still in it. I put it aside to live out it's last post-mating moments in peace.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday Trips
On Tuesdays, I always take Shane to Subway after day-care. There's one maybe half a mile up the street. I wanted to turn it into "our thing." It's a way to reward a successful day of fun at day-care and get Shane to look forward to me picking him up!
Yesterday, was our third or fourth trip. Shane gets his breakfast Ham, Egg, and Cheese flatbread, I upgrade it to a meal, and we share. Foolishly, I got cookies with the meal the first couple of times out! Nana said I nearly "ruined" their trips to Subway since Shane knows how great they taste now! I wised up and got Cheetos this time. We alternated bites from Cheeto to sandwich to keep Shane chewing on the healthy stuff!
When we finished our meal, Shane pointed across the street and said "Go Home Beepo-Beepo!"
I wish I had a video. It was the cutest way to say Home Depot I've ever heard.
Shane and I walked across the parking lot and hunted down forklifts for over half an hour. Then we ran all over and hid in some rugs. There were many failed picture attempts, but I loved this one. I put Shane on a stool in the lights and fan aisle. He stayed mesmerized long enough for my phone to capture the moment!
Shane still says "Daddy, go away!" whenever there's a more preferred adult around, but we've had plenty of good times! I have the pictures to prove it! We had a lot of fun helping Matt and Renee move in to Nana and Pop's tonight, but that's another story for another time! I thought I wrote about our Tuesdays out already, but I guess I'm more backlogged than I thought.
Life stays busy with a little boy. I wouldn't have it any other way (unless I could get an extra hour of sleep throw in...that'd be great too!).
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Daycare Art (Funny!)
My son made something in art class today...
..., but I couldn't tell you what! There was a chunk of something in one corner that looked like a half-eaten granola/fruit bar.
The sticker says it's his "BEST WORK YET!" Should I be insulted?
..., but I couldn't tell you what! There was a chunk of something in one corner that looked like a half-eaten granola/fruit bar.
The sticker says it's his "BEST WORK YET!" Should I be insulted?
Monday, June 3, 2013
More Target Memories
Shane and I went to Target after church on Sunday. He likes to play with all the toys there, and I have my own fond memories of the place.
This time around, Shane shoved a wooden toy ambulance and turned it sideways. The blasted thing was stuck!
At first, I wasn't worried. Neither the ambulance or the garbage truck was very elastic. I figured that it would be geometrically impossible for Shane to stick something in the truck that could not also come out of the truck. I just had to figure out how it got in there in the first place!
It was really stuck.
I started to doubt myself and wonder how the cashier would ring up a toy within in a toy. Unlike the picture, the ambulance was wedged deep down and out of sight. Would they think I was trying to steal the cheap $3 car? Was I going to have to buy a $30 garbage truck I didn't want to?
Shane got bored of watching me jimmy with it and started messing with the toy trains. Target will be a great playground until Shane realizes he can beg me to buy stuff....I did not want the overpriced garbage truck to be my next purchase, though!
The ambulance came out. Hallelujah!
Shane and I spent an hour running amongst the aisles. I did let him pick out a $2 bath toy. I figured it was a cheap way to say "Thank You" to the store for letting us meander around for so long.
Shane picked out a yellow plane identical to the blue one he already has. I tried to show him dump trucks, boats, and front end loaders, but Shane would NOT be dissuaded. I thought about pulling the "Daddy knows what really want and it's not that one" card. However, Shane pulled out a blue plane (like the one at home) and started to pretend the planes were talking to each other! It was some cute imaginative play!
I promptly decided I didn't want to be the kind of parent who picks everything for my son and let Shane pick the toy he really wanted. I held up four toys, said "You get ONE," and the yellow plane leaped out of the line-up. You can see from the picture how happy Shane was!
Rain, Rain...
Shane asked to go play out in the rain, so I let him! At first, I hoped he would say "too cold!" and give up asking to go outside.
He loved it!
It's only fitting. I used to love running around in the rain as a kid in Beaumont. The rain was a lot warmer there than here, but at least Sunday's shower wasn't bad!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Train Crazy Boy
My phone buzzed five times in a row on Friday. Nana was texting. Pop and Nana took Shane for his very first train ride!
Shane loved it!
Nana said that they could NOT get Shane to play on the playground. He was train crazy. The only way they could get him to forget about the train was to hop on the carousel. Once that was done, he wanted to go on the train again!
I was a little jealous. I hoped to take Shane on that train this summer. I knew that would go bonkers! It would have been a great chance to be Super Daddy for 10 minutes, too!
Last I checked, spoiling grandkids is part of the job description for grandparents! I should not have been surprised they thought up of a cool outing for Shane. Nana was always good about thinking up excursions when I was a kid, too.
Thankfully, Nana and Pop took some great pictures. If Pop ever gets a Facebook account, I know what his first profile picture should be!
'<'-------it's right here!
All of the pictures let me feel like I shared the experience, too. Nana's texts also brought me a smile at work. I knew my boy was in good hands and having fun!
I plan on taking Shane to ride the train again this summer. Actually, I plan on taking him lots of places! The more places I take him, the more stories I'll have to write about!
Shane loved it!
Nana said that they could NOT get Shane to play on the playground. He was train crazy. The only way they could get him to forget about the train was to hop on the carousel. Once that was done, he wanted to go on the train again!
I was a little jealous. I hoped to take Shane on that train this summer. I knew that would go bonkers! It would have been a great chance to be Super Daddy for 10 minutes, too!
Last I checked, spoiling grandkids is part of the job description for grandparents! I should not have been surprised they thought up of a cool outing for Shane. Nana was always good about thinking up excursions when I was a kid, too.
Thankfully, Nana and Pop took some great pictures. If Pop ever gets a Facebook account, I know what his first profile picture should be!
'<'-------it's right here!
All of the pictures let me feel like I shared the experience, too. Nana's texts also brought me a smile at work. I knew my boy was in good hands and having fun!
I plan on taking Shane to ride the train again this summer. Actually, I plan on taking him lots of places! The more places I take him, the more stories I'll have to write about!
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