Thursday, April 30, 2020

COVID 19 - The Archery Update

Lacrosse is a thing of the past, but archery still exists.

Shane never wants to go out when I offer. Ever.

Then he goes and asks when I really don't want to, but I know it'd be good for the both of us.

I don't regret it once we start, but that initial investiture of energy can be a challenge!

Shane really wanted to shoot from the porch after Mom did it last time. I thought it was too far, but some things are best learned by experience.

Like being aware of splinters.

Shane was safe this time!

Shane was pretty frustrated he had trouble reaching the arena.

He didn't share my contentment with just doing something!

I had a few near hits. It's always a good grounding in reality to actually do something vs watching an expert do it or tv fakery.

I was amazed when one of my errant shots lodged into a pole!

The bow and arrows are half toys for us, but it was a good reminder for both of us to keep all the safety precautions up!

Our cheap bows manage a fair amount of power and distance for what they are. Shane wanted me to do a distance shot. I didn't shoot with abandon and still managed to hit the edge of our property line!

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