Wednesday, April 8, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: How's Annie Doing?

Carrie's been doing a lot of thinking about Annie. She remembers Annie as being a brave and curious horse.

However, the Annie we've seen here has been an anxious horse who's scared of everything the first time around (and sometimes the fifth when she forgets it's okay).

Carrie thinks it's due to trauma. 

This is a photo of Annie before she moved to us. 

That's Jeff in the dinosaur costume. Annie and her friend wandered right up to say hello. Sonya is a photographer. She sometimes does silly things to make a good photo or just to be silly. 

Annie's friend is dead. He was a sudden case of colic. He died right in the aisle in front of her stall. 

Horses are large animals. 

They didn't immediately have the equipment necessary. 

Not long after, Annie's sire was rushed to the vet and didn't return. I can't recall if any other horses were sold/transferred after that.

I do know Annie came to us. She'd never been off property before. She immediately tried to bond with Nibs who started to terrorize her. She didn't really have a buddy until Kitty came along.

Trauma wouldn't have occurred to me, but when Carrie laid our her reasoning it seemed to fit. It would explain why she's seemed so fearful. Horses have surprisingly good memories, and Annie went through a lot of change. 

Fast forward to present day: Annie and Nibs are in the same field at Tori's. Nibs has learned a lot about how to get along in a herd. They are doing well together.

After talking to Tori and her mom, Carrie decided that Annie is the horse we're going to sell. That was the original plan and Annie's demeanor means she should fit in easily to most homes. 

Annie's still under training and it's not a seller's market. There are people posting "Coronavirus sales" where they need income quickly. We're hoping Annie finds a home fairly quickly to have her off the payroll. 

"You don't get into horses for the money," Carried said.....and I can confirm! It's like being a professional gambler! There are those top level people who can turn a buck, but most people are cruising for a losing (unless they're the House!). 

We bought Annie to help a friend, so we weren't looking to make a profit. It'd be nice to come out even or money in the pocket, but the main goal is to get her to nice home for Carrie and Sonya's sakes.

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