Friday, April 17, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Survived the first week! Random Thoughts

How much space did the average sailing vessel have in the 15th century? 

Those things were packed with people for weeks at a time. I'm pretty sure they didn't have wifi, refrigerators, and air handling systems to boot.

I posed the question to Shane as something to think about. We're 'trapped' at home, but unlike those sailors we can go outside and enjoy all sorts of technological marvels they could only dream of (When they weren't working full time sailing and killing rats!). They had more people to interact with being completely cramped by comparison to us, but there's enough parallels to think about.

Will people go as crazy as sailors on shore leave when restrictions are eased?

Let's take this to the future. What would it be like on a space vessel? How long would you be 'quarantined' on it going to a far off star?

I looked up the International Space Station and it has a living area "larger than a six-bedroom house." 

We're fortunate to be a healthy and functional family unit for this season. God has blessed us.

There are plenty of houses with strife, separation, and needs going unfulfilled.

It's not perfect sailing. Shane's dying for other kids and is all over me for socialization. It feels like he can't do anything for more than 10 minutes without calling me over to look, join his Minecraft world, or coming into the room where I am. I'm tired and would love to have some quarantine-buddies to talk to in person myself (I'm not as extroverted as him, but I'm a teacher because I feel God's calling for me is to be a servant to others!). I wanted to get together some online gaming, but it never really worked out to my satisfaction and my own motivation fizzled. I feel like I'm always holding back a little bit of energy back for whatever comes next. I'm pacing myself for a marathon rather than just being in the moment always. My house and family are my responsibility and I don't want to let them down. Did Carrie crash on the couch before 8 PM? Gotta take care of the horses and put Shane to bed. Did Shane take care of the cat pot? Does the dog want outside? Is that cat puke? What about dishes?

But again, there's so much to be thankful for. We're healthy. We're well fed. We have options and we have things to do.

I saw an apt analogy comparing the stay-at-home orders to a storm.

A storm covers a large area. There may be pockets of lightning, flooding, or even a tornado, but there are other areas in the storm where it's only raining. That rain may be light in some areas, but it doesn't lessen the storm for people in other areas. Everyone's in the storm regardless.

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