Wednesday, April 22, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Hero Camp

I decided to start a "Hero camp" with Shane. Lacrosse has fallen by the wayside. 

Carrie gave some riding lessons over the weekend, and I dug the bows and arrows out of storage Monday.

I decided to hold lessons in the arena after we nearly lost an arrow in the grass!

Shane's excited, but he's not strong enough for the bows we have. If I was really worried about technique, I'd need to do some research. This is more of an excuse to get outside and have some fun, so I guess he's got to get stronger!

I felt a slight soreness in my own muscles after shooting for a bit.

What Shane lacked in strength, aim, and technique he made up for with creativity and enthusiasm.

Shane wanted to see how far he could launch an arrow, so he stood on top of what was left of the wood pile (still need to move the last ones...).

Turns out our little bows can shoot pretty far. I did a mostly full draw, angled up, and launched an arrow over the arena and halfway to the trees in our  neighbor's yard! I've been preaching "respect the tool" and "be safety minded," and I hope the lessons are taking!

Loki's not a fan of our lessons, because he has to stay inside just in case.

Shane wore riding gloves the first day so that the string "wouldn't hurt his fingers." I had him put on long sleeves each time to protect him from a string raspberry if he has bad form (and he does).

Shane can be pretty vocal about his frustration. I wish he would be 100% growth minded, but I partially don't mind that he tries to get creative when things don't go his way. If anything, I see a bit of me in it.

Still, when you're frustrated with being unable to land one do you think it's a good idea to try and launch three?

I suppose if you had the strength to launch the arrows far enough a "shotgun spread" could help. Shane doesn't have the strength or the aim, though, so it was a short-distanced fail!

We went out Monday and Tuesday. I wanted to wait until school work was done, deck construction was on hold, and no horses were being ridden each day. Shane and I were out of sync on Wednesday and Thursday was nothing but rain.

Part of me envisioned doing sword fighting, exercise, and other things, but my energy level wasn't there. Maybe I'll add those things in as time goes by.

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