Sunday, April 19, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Starting to Ride Again

You'd think Shane would ride more living on a horse barn. It's been over a month.

Maddie's been unavailable. She was showing some pain and ended up in fat camp on stall rest. She lost weight, but still showed some pain so she got an injection and was just cleared for more than a walk. Barbara's played with her some, but Maddie's been cleared for riding again.

So Shane got a lesson on Saturday.

Carrie did all of the setup and grooming, so Shane had it cush.

Lorelai was nervous. She hates to be alone. She pooped when she saw Carrie bring Maddie in. Carrie stalled Lorelai and she pooped three more times.

I heard the wet plops of two of them. I opened the gate to scoop them and Lorelai stepped right into the steaming thick of both.

Maddie used to be the queen of stall destroyers, but she has abdicated her throne. All hail, Lorelai! Queen Poop-hoof!

....and I saw bits of poop she'd already strewn around when I went in the second time. That's how I knew there were three stress poops. The mare needs to learn it's okay to be on her own for half an hour.

Lorelai wasn't the only one acting nervous. Loki wanted to be near us, but hid between my legs while Carrie and Shane were next to Maddie!

I was hoping Carrie would give Shane a lesson. She's all about horses and he's completely clueless with some lapses in self-control. If he can learn and earn some of both they'll be able to share a bunch of fun adventures together.

Lesson #1 of the day: Don't try to lean and prop your weight on your horse. Pat them and be loving instead.

Carrie started Shane on the lead rope. He had some trouble telling Maddie to "walk on" and his heel squeezes weren't pushing her to motion.

He's gotten a little better. Carrie let had him going around the arena without her holding the lead. The last time I remember that he did that was when he took lessons last summer.

Maddie showed more spunk when she was out of the arena. "She likes it better out here," Carrie said and the lesson continued.

It took me a moment to realize Loki had stopped following us.

He gets nervous around the horses! He's learned the stall doors hold them back, but he wasn't so sure about the fenceline! I had to double back and 'collect' him. He made sure to sprint by along the opposite fence posts!

Carrie talked to Shane a little bit about two-pointing his way up the hill. Honestly, it's new knowledge to me, too.

"TV shows are full of lies," I said. "People don't just hop on and everything's easy the first time they try it. Learning takes time and effort in real life."

I'm glad that we're making the effort. Learning adds to the patterns of our lives. Whether it's a central piece or a fringe we won't know until much later.

Maddie was a good girl, but she's still on restricted duty. Carrie let Shane ride Saturday, because Barbara didn't.

So I was surprised on Sunday when Carrie and Shane were at it again! Barbara had ridden that morning. I was doing my book club online and I heard Lorelai squealing. I looked at the window and said, "They're at it again!"

I went right outside for a few more pictures.

Honestly, the lessons leave me a little conflicted. On one hand, my mind says, "Break! Off duty!" Then the other says, "But do you want to miss a good moment?"

I won't go out every time when they become more regular.

And I really hope they do.

Taekwando is closed. Lacrosse is on hiatus. The pools haven't opened up for swim lessons. This is it!

Carrie had Shane trot Maddie down the trail and jogged to keep up. I doubled-back for Loki (Sam looks fearsome eating grass) and discovered my own lack of cardio afresh.

Hopefully, it was a fun show for the people driving by.

 And then I hopped on Sam!

I had told Carrie I'd be interested in riding if she was teaching Shane. She was too tired Saturday. I figured it might happen Sunday, but nearly wrote it off when I saw Shane doing a lesson. Carrie was game, though!

Maddie had done her duty for the day, so she got to rest. I hopped on Sam to warm him up for Carrie (or at least, for her to undo any damage to his training from me).

I can sit at a walk like a pro, but posting eludes me. I didn't learn how to do that as a kid. I was either trying to launch myself with my feet or timing it wrong so that my butt and Sam's back slammed into each in a spine jarring manner. It's going to take a lot of practice to do it fluently without thought like taking a wrestling stance.

I thought I'd be a good example of listening and paying attention for Shane, but he was too busy playing with my phone to notice much. He took a few pictures in the very beginning like I asked and then was lost to the electronic world!

I've been joking about starting a hero camp with Shane. These riding lessons could be the kickoff...

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