Tuesday, April 21, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Decking Up

Carrie took a minute to cut a minute portion of the yard. What was up with that?

And what's with the lumber delivery?

Loki desperately wanted to go out and supervise whatever was going on!

MomMom was doing her part to keep Jason and his buddy employed during the outbreak.

They left a pile of materials the first day. 

The buddy's daughter had a sinus infection and needed to see the doctor, so they didn't start until a couple of days later.

Loki liked to watch.

They put down weed sheet and mulch under the basic frame.

The materials were dropped off Tuesday and work started Friday morning.

This was one day's worth of work.

They came back Saturday. I took this picture while Shane was examining Eastern Tent Caterpillars.

Shane and I went out to look around after they went home for the day. It's neat to look at.

Grandpa and Uncle Chris have both constructed decks in the past.

Shane and I have both climbed and balanced on things we shouldn't have in the past (and maybe the present...).

This was the progress by mid-Monday.

It's been great weather for being outside. The air is warm enough to be pleasant and the wind is cool enough to refresh if you've been walking or working. If only the wind was blowing like a gale from time to time! Scottsville gets strong wind than anywhere else I've lived.

I took this picture Wednesday morning to log Tuesday's progress.

I was surprised Shane didn't ask to climb around more. Jason and his bud kept a clean work site from what I saw. There were no loose nails or anything I was really worried about.

The last floorboards went down after lunch on Wednesday.

They were putting up railings by midafternoon.

It was a functional deck sans stairs by evening. Shane and I tested it out!

Loki really wanted to join us.

Shane teasing and calling him through the glass fueled it further!

Loki wasn't sure what to make of it when we did open the door. He kept looking at the deck as if he couldn't believe it was really there! It took some calling before he trusted us enough to step out!

One last section of railing needs to go in against the house. Stairs will be put in where Shane was in this shot.

We didn't expect Loki to leap off! Damn dog made my heart leap into my throat for a moment!

Loki was fine. He took a pee break while Shane marveled and I took off my socks and hopped down. 

Thursday was predicted to be full of rain, so the deck won't be finished for a little while yet. It's looking good, though (and maybe we'll finally be done with construction around here!).


  1. Congratulations on getting a beautiful deck. This will really help during the pandemic and every house needs a deck. Why did you say "MomMom"? She died years ago.


    1. The money for the deck is actually from one of her old accounts. MomMom bought a deck for Grandpa and Grandma's house. She was a big proponent of decks and spending time outside with family.
