Friday, April 10, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Crazy Wind

We get some crazy wind around here. I don't remember the gale force hitting in Cville, but I've heard it blasting and whistling across the house many times since moving.

We have a tarp in front of our pole barn that serves as a brilliant example of the wind's strength.

Carrie hung a plastic tarp in front of the hay to prevent rain blowing in. She tied the top corners with baling twine to the support beams and then attached the bottom corners to wooden pallets.

The wind is capable of blowing the tarp so that it lifts the pallets.

They've gone high enough and slammed back down hard enough that boards have broken! The bottom of the tarp has slowly been ripped to shreds.

I went out one day and started to cut vertical slits and some gaps. I hoped that it would allow enough air through that it would prevent the pallets from 'sailing away.'

Half an hour later, I heard Shane yell, "WHOA! That went flying!"

I bet there are people dealing with fallen trees somewhere not far from us.

The first time Carrie found the pallets moved and hay littering the front of the barn she thought someone had stolen some of our hay. I started to take some pictures of the hay piles whenever I thought of it (once every week or so) to keep something of a log. I even thought about getting a webcam, so that there wouldn't be any doubts.

We know the truth now! The wind bided it's time. As we removed hay bales the pallets weren't quite as heavy and got wiggled into position for their future flight.

At this point, the tarp is a lost cause. We'll have to consider how we set up a future rain shield with metal anchors the next time we refill on hay.

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