Monday, April 13, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: That's a lot of rain!

It's been a wet spring. The grass has really been coming up!

It must make it feel like a jungle safari for Loki when he tries to pee. Carrie's mowed around the house and fields, so it's just on the edge of the property you can see the really tall stuff.

Sunday night into Monday was a big storm. I woke up multiple times in the night and heard wind and rain pounding on the house. Carrie fell asleep on the couch and Loki woke her up trying make sure he could see her!

Monday evening I suggested the family go for a walk. The rain stopped hours and hours ago, but there was a stream running through the east side of the pastures.

A huge chunk of the gravel dust over our culvert was washed away!

The pipe must have overflowed.....and it wasn't a small pipe! There was a trail going up the left side of the pipe that went up. It followed the path to wear the gravel was carried away.

We're going to have to do something to fix it and protect against future erosion. There must have been an epic amount of rain!

Carrie was stunned.

Shane was excited!

I had to try and mediate between the two extremes!

We noticed more erosion around our bank the next day.

It can be hard to show depth in photos... I put my hand in a hole for comparison. We're going to need to do some sort of repair.

Several plastic jump blocks had been near the bank and they'd washed 20 or 30 yards 'downstream.'

Shane has plans to dig channels through the whole yard, but we're going to keep it minimal! Virtual School started today and some students told me they had nothing to do. That hasn't been the case here! If not for social distancing, maybe I could hand out some shovels and call it PE.....

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