Thursday, April 23, 2020

COVID-19 - The Coronavirus: On the Back Porch

The deck isn't done, but Carrie ordered a discontinued set of outdoor furniture from Walmart on clearance. 

Unfortunately, whoever loaded it into the truck put the heavy firepit on top of the furniture. The box looked crunched on the outside and some of the furniture was crunched on the inside.

Carrie called it in to their customer service. Then she used some leftover lumber to rebuild the supports, so that it'd work "good enough."

Carrie and Shane didn't see any reason to delay using the deck! Shane was really excited.

The pet menagerie looked jealous! It took us all of 10 seconds to install the screen door that's camped out the past 9 months in our garage.

Carrie grabbed the propane tank from the barn to test out the firepit. She sent me first, but when I started asking questions she decided it was safer to do it herself! 

We ate dinner fireside. Loki got to come out and join us (to kitty chagrin).

The rain let up for some archery. Carrie came out on the porch while Shane and I were at it and said, "Let me have a shot!"

Turns out the porch is a decent shooting platform! Carrie was only in socks, so she wasn't about to step into the yard.

It'll be even more fun when we can have people over.

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