Sunday, April 26, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Assorted Stories from the Weekend

I've gone a while in between posts, but it's not because anything bad has happened (Nana texted me to make sure we were all right in May!). I'm going to forgo my "Primary vs Secondary sources" and statistics posts for now to go through a bunch of pictures.

Like the one I have of Eddie and Ernie grooming each other. The old men are friends.

Ernie's on a diet now. He can't do much grooming wearing a muzzle...

We've had caterpillar sightings all over.

Shane's fascinated.

I thought they looked like gypsy moth caterpillars, but we did some online and app research. They are Eastern Tent Caterpillars....and they're all over.

ALL over. There were at least twenty on the section of fence we were looking at. I found a bunch of dead ones in a bucket of water by the barn, too.

Speaking of the barn, Carrie bought some new filler out to try.

It's "like dehydrated grass." Sam and Maddie are acting so desperate for food that Carrie's hoping it will fill them up a little bit without being too high in calories. They've both lost a lot of weight and are nearing their targets from the vet.

Shane got another quick riding lesson on Sunday. Carrie had him walking and jogging around with Maddie to warm her up.

Then he hopped on and it was go time!

He's getting better. Carrie has him doing exercises like going into two-post down the length of the fence to build the muscles. He's not fond of those, but with praise he's done em!

Grandma and Grandpa arrived during the lesson. We'd thought they'd enjoy the show (Grandma more than Grandpa since she likes horses), but Grandma only had eyes of the flower beds. They were covered in weeds and she couldn't stop herself.

Grandpa was busy admiring the deck (when Grandma was assigning him weeds to grab!). I half-teased, "Did you come to visit us or the house?"

I'm not going to say that's why Shane and I found ourselves helping out with the weeds, but I'm sure going to imply it!

It makes for a fun punchline even if it's not really why.

Carrie had forbidden Grandma and Grandpa from entering the house, so they drove a couple of hours knowing that in advance. Either they really missed us or they had some serious cabin fever (maybe both?)!

And as a further example that life never spaces out activities, Heidi and Misha showed up right before Grandma and Grandpa! Heidi's been in and out of the hospital, and wanted to see her horse to cheer her up. They were in the barn while weeding went on around the house.

We have plenty of space.

It was a short visit. Plans were made for another visit next weekend and then Shane got to go inside and play some Minecraft. I felt better about him zoning out since he was outside and got some social time in.

And on a completely unrelated note: One of my students shared some pictures of a diorama they made for a Warhammer 40k contest. She's a really talented artist.

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