Wednesday, April 1, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: April Fool's!

It was a stressful morning. Carrie had trouble sleeping with a problem on her mind.

I left my phone in the house while we did morning barn chores and came in to find it ringing. I hurried over to grab it and saw it was Jama.

"MIKE! Haven't you heard!?" Jama asked.

At that point, I thought Jama had tried to call me more than once. "Heard what? I left my phone in the house while we did barn chores."

Jama went on to tell me that Patrick and Shelby had an "Oops." 

Jama asked if Patrick had called me ("No."). She said he didn't call her either, but he had called Nana (the logical place to start disseminating any information). I had some notices on my phone, but I couldn't really check them with Jama excited in my ear.

Jama went on asking me how I felt about being an uncle and "didn't they know better? He's still taking classes and with all this going on!?"

In retrospect, I should have been more suspicious. Jama loves April Fool's day.

However, she caught me. Her call couldn't have been better planned. My mind was working on something else and I didn't even remember what day it was! There were notifications on my phone I hadn't read and I thought she may have called more than once. Plus, I've laughed at a bunch of "Children of the Quarn" and "in 13 years they'll be called Quaranteens" jokes lately and there's been talk of a micro baby-boom!

I was guarded and non-committal with whatever I said until I heard from Nana or Patrick. I did say, "At least they're married!" when Jama kept grilling me about how I felt!

I switched the topic to what we were dealing with and we talked about that for a while, but I could tell Jama was spoiling to switch conversations back!

"Gotcha!" she crowed! "April Fool's, Mike!"

I let her bask in her victory for a bit before we said goodbye. She's been on lockdown and Jama's a mover and groover! She hates to be trapped in any one place too long!

Now, I could have sent out warnings to my siblings, but I didn't. I figured Jama would have her fun and there was no reason to spoil it!

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