Saturday, April 11, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Visitors!

It's been a while, but Grandpa and Grandma came by! Carrie wouldn't let them in the house (social distancing), but there was a lot to walk around and look at outside! They unloaded some gifts/supplies from their car and we went on a barn and yard tour.

Grandpa was impressed with the run-in. Grandma was unimpressed with the weeds in the garden beds. She started pulling weeds and asked Shane and I to get pulling! I've suggested that Carrie enjoy some garden time with Shane, but that didn't really happen (and Grandma called us on it).

The conversation was "too adult" for Shane. He asked about going inside to play a game, but I wouldn't let him. "They're only here for a bit and you don't want to miss it!"

He/we got in a little trouble when he was showing off his balance skills. I called out for him to stick out his arms for balance while Carrie called for him to get down before another board came loose!

Heidi and Misha pulled up as we were saying our farewells to Grandpa and Grandma. Heidi was excited to see her boy, Eddy. She was also excited to introduce her dog to Loki!

She handed Shane the leash for a little bit!

Heidi was in high spirits partly, because she was glad to move on from where she was. Heidi had a stroke. She'd played stubborn and refused to see anyone until she was forced to. Then she had to go into the hospital with all the coronavirus hoopla! Heidi felt like she didn't get the best of care with everything going on and wanted out!

She was really happy to be on the farm! I had to laugh, because if anyone needed to wear a mask and gloves it would have been her, but she was just so eager to be under the sun and around friends.

It turned out to be a full barn day socially. Shane went inside, but Barbara and Laura came out to ride after Heidi and Misha went on their way. Ellie came and clipped Lorelai's winter coat as they were in the arena (Lorelai had been sweating in the fields when the sun was out).

Ellie popped on Magic when she was done. Buddha ran into the arena to be near her, but eventually branched out. He ended up on our front porch before running back to watch!

Unfortunately, the barn mice decided to make an appearance. We bought extra supplies due to the virus and stored them in the bathroom shed. We thought they'd be safe, but the mice proved they can get nearly anywhere.

The jerks gnawed some holes in the sweet feed bags.

Carrie and I refilled the bins as much as we could and then brought down a plastic storage bin from the garage for the last two bags.

Shane missed all those last bits. He was lost in video game land playing Earthbound, Star Fox, and Sunset Riders (it was a SNES day).

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