Friday, April 3, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Friday Blahs

My energy level took a hit Friday. We've been active, but I didn't feel much urgency and it ended up being a real quiet day.

I made Shane help with morning horse chores (he scooped a couple of poop piles), but home school was only half completed for the day.

It was a good day for a movie. Onward was released on Disney+. Carrie had wanted to see it in theaters, but a home theater was what we had!

We all really enjoyed it! We watched Ratatouille later in the day.

Shane got a lot of electronics. 

Like I said, it was a bit of a blah day for me. I didn't blog. Now I'm catching up with the backlog. I updated my work page, but I didn't send my weekly email out until Saturday. I tried to start an exercise routine the first couple of weeks of our "Corona Break," but the routine didn't stick. I should get that going again.

I did finish reading The Great Hunt. I don't think we're going to get to meet in person for book club this weekend due to the "stay at home."

It wasn't a terrible day, but it was one of "those" kind of days that normally don't get posted on social media or talked about.

And that's why I decided to talk about. These things happen. 

My cousin Kacy was in the Peace Corps in Morocco. She sent out a newsletter before they were evacuated with tons of awesome pictures and stories about a wedding, traveling, and the highlights of what she was up to. At the very end, she put the caveat about "Peace Corps service is a roller coaster." There were bad days, blah days, and great days. I like to read about all the big stories, but little notes to keep things real add hues to the highlights make them much richer.

And now, some random photos.

Carrie's been trying to teach Loki to sneeze on command. 

I've discovered his hair mats underneath his ears. I've been picking/combing it out, but I gave up and trimmed one side. My research said it's a problem for some Shelties.

He and Happy look happy in this picture, but there was a whine like Loki was dying the other day. He must have been too insistent on trying to lick Happy's butt and her rebuttal's aim was true.

Often when Happy does take a swing, it gets lost in his fur barrier. He's not great at reading subtle hints!

There's a run in built in "Maddie's lot." I'll post some pictures of the construction later.

I wanted to point out the cheese puff. Did the wind blow it in? From where? Or was that a snack from one of the two builders?

I thought it was ADHD funny.

Kinda like when I noticed the sun was heating up the clock in the bedroom.

It got a lot warmer outside, but not in the 90s! We had some 70 degree days at the end of the week after a cold and wet start!

I noticed my selfie camera mirrored images early this school year. My old counselor sent a picture of a kid who missed me and I sent a picture back holding a sign....that was mirrored. Was there a system update that switched the settings? Or had the camera always done that and I never noticed?

It's bugged me ever since I noticed. I normally manually flip the images....which I ADHD noticed makes for some odd combinations in the camera roll! 

Anyway, the Corona-life coverage will continue. Stay tuned.

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